1. mourning; mourning period
2. anniversary of one's death
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (23 in total)
taboo; day, time, direction, words, etc. that must be avoided; contraindication
second anniversary of a death
first anniversary of a person's death
death anniversary
anniversary of a person's death (on which Buddhist commemorative rites, etc. are performed); 49th day after a person's death, on which Buddhist rituals are performed
death anniversary; Buddhist anniversary service
death anniversary
absence from work (school) due to mourning
first death anniversary
end of mourning
anniversary that celebrates author Dazai Osamu's birthday, and incidentally, the day his body was found after he was involved in a double suicide
first anniversary of a person's death
mourning; period of mourning
ceremony held in honor (honour) of Bodhidharma (October 5)
second anniversary of a person's death
second anniversary of a person's death
anniversary of Shiki Masaoka's death (September 19)
Matsuo Basho remembrance day (12th day of the 10th lunar month, associated with the change of the seasons)
Buddhist service held on the day of Buddha's death (orig. 15th of the 2nd month, now 15th of the 3rd month)
first anniversary of a person's death