Usually written in kana
1. relying entirely on ...; using solely ...
after a noun
2. with the sole purpose of ...
3. based on (mutual consent, etc.)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (17 in total)
all sorts of; all kinds of
(brute) force; using all one's might
completely black; black from top to bottom; black from head to toe
entirely; completely; all; nothing but
calculated; premeditated; considered
main force; brute force; strong-arm
having consent (e.g. to do something); having (someone's) assent
carrying out mercenary deeds; having a mercenary attitude; calculating
using money as a weapon; power of money
obstinacy; stubbornness
mutual consent
calculating, profit-or-loss mentality
using money as a weapon; power of money
mercenary; calculative; greedy; commercial-minded; venal
bum; slacker; good-for-nothing; loser
dictatorial; imperious
acting on mutual agreement