1. dropping; losing
2. missing item; something one forgot to write down
3. trap
4. wooden protrusion from a Japanese door frame that fits a hole in the threshold, acting as a lock when closed
5. conclusion (of a speech, etc.)
6. metallic bowl used to hold the charcoal in a wooden hibachi
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (43 in total)
settlement for a dispute (esp. one caused by an affront or blunder); money paid to settle a dispute
leftover pieces (when slicing meat, fish, cake, etc.); shaved meat; end pieces; clipping
sinking quickly
pitfall; trap; pit
lost property; something dropped and left behind
point of compromise; common ground
oversight; omission; something overlooked; thing left unnoticed
axe kick; ax kick
persuasion by tears; using tears to get one's way; sob story
loser; owner of a lost article
dropping (something) headfirst down a precipice; downhill rush; plunging down a precipice
illegitimate child (usu. of a nobleman)
debit; withdrawal; pulling (one's opponent) down; frontal pull-down; hiki-otoshi
daruma otoshi; toy consisting of vertically stacked wooden blocks that must be knocked away without letting the daruma doll on top fall to the ground
escape from evil; exorcism
lid resting directly on food; wooden drop-lid for simmering
makeup remover
opening of a new theater (theatre)
thrusting down (winning technique)
makeup remover
discouragement; disappointment; loss of energy; fatigue
getting stains out; getting rid of stains
allowing oneself meat, fish or alcohol after a period of abstaining
ash tray; ash pit
poached egg
twist down
body drop (judo); body throw
cutting off the edges (printing, sewing, cooking, etc.); snippets; trimmings; cuttings
lifting body slam
trapdoor; flap door
flush bolt (for a French door, etc.)
time-lapse photography
omission in a bill
mishearing; failing to catch (something said)
head chop down
the biggest fish is always the one that got away
lintel of the alcove in a tea room or a window in a shoin-style reception room; cloud-shaped carving on the bottom of a transom; metallic bowl used to hold the charcoal in a wooden hibachi
exfoliation; skin cleansing
to not be getting with the times; to be unaware that things are changing
draining water from pipes (for the winter)
sumiotoshi (judo); corner drop