1. responsibility; duty; obligation
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (19 in total)
duty; responsibility (incl. supervision of staff); liability; onus
blame; censure; reproof; reprimand; rebuke
heavy responsibility
reprimand; rebuke; reproach; scolding
self-condemnation; self-reproach; self-accusation
one's duty; responsibilities pertaining to one's work
reprimand; rebuke; censure; reproof
exemption from responsibility; disclaimer
leaving the remaining corrections up to the printer after having finished proofreading; OK with corrections
fault; responsibility; culpability
responsibility for wording of an article
responsibility or liability for a crime
personal reproof
responsibility for one's words
putting the blame on others; blaming others; (playing the) blame game
role and responsibility
reproving for a fault
strong reprimand; rebuke
impunitive; not tending to blame others