1. ovum; ovule; egg cell
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (40 in total)
ovum; ovule; egg cell
egg-laying; spawning
fertilized egg; fertilised egg
oval shape; egg shape
identical (of twins); monozygotic; unioval; uniovular
egg mixture; egg wash
fallopian tube; oviduct
fraternal (of twins); diovular; dizygotic; biovular
wind egg; unfertilized egg; unfertilised egg
oviparity; produced from eggs
egg membrane
dangerous situation; perilous position; (lit.) pile of eggs
whole egg; egg white and egg yolk
oval tombstone
incubation; hatching
oomycete; class oomycota; water mold
frozen eggs; cryopreserved oocyte; frozen ovum
processed egg; processed egg product
the strong overwhelming the weak; completing various things without difficulty; (lit.) Mt. Tai crushes an egg
liquid egg; liquified eggs; liquefied eggs; cracked raw eggs (usu. with yolks still intact)
powdered eggs; dehydrated eggs; dried eggs