1. a matter of course; what is to be expected; par for the course
Composed of
natural; right; proper; naturally; as a matter of course; rightly
thing; matter; incident; occurrence; circumstances; situation; work
Used in vocabulary (1 in total)
naturally; not surprisingly; it should be appreciated that; understandably; as a matter of course; as is obvious
Examples (12 in total)
She was understandably angry.
We take it for granted that television exists.
We thought it natural that he should be punished.
We took it for granted that he would help us.
I took the fact for granted.
I took it for granted that he would succeed.
In Europe, people regard punctuality as a matter of course.
We take our high standard of living for granted.
She let him pay the bill as a matter of course.
He is, quite rightly, very grateful to them.
As a matter of course, you must go there yourself.
It is natural for a child to scream in anger.