1. assistant ...; probationary ...
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (56 in total)
lemma; lemmata
assistance; support; subsidy; supplement; auxiliary; subsidiary
candidate; contender; prospect; candidacy; candidature; nomination
correction; revision; compensation (e.g. to a pendulum)
extra innings
supplement; complement
addition (to a text); additional entry (e.g. to a database)
assistant inspector
appointment to office
supply; supplying; replenishment
reinforcement; strengthening
complementation; supplementation; completion
filling a vacancy; supplementation; substitute; deputy; alternate
supplementary classes or lectures
compensation payment; reparation
extending (e.g. a book); augmenting; enlarging; supplementing
complementary color; complementary colour
major general (JASDF)
complement (of a number)
dietary supplement (for sports); energy supplement; nutritional supplement
aid; assistance
retouch; correction; improvement
major general (JGSDF)
supplementary rules
supplementary note
complementary set; complement
bye-election; by-election
supplement; supplementary volume
assistant judge; judge-in-training
rehydration; supply of water
supportive device (for the disabled, e.g. prosthetic limb); assistive device
supplementary explanation; supplementary information
adding something to or altering a finished work of art; something added or altered in this manner
complement (blood proteins)
major general (JSDF)
subsidiary verb (in Japanese); auxiliary verb
probationary diplomat
revitalizing treatment that stimulates the organs or the meridians (in Chinese medicine)
adjuvant; revitalizing stimulant (in Chinese medicine)
auxiliary language
appointment to an official post
assistant clerk
cofactor (biochemistry)
auxiliary machinery room
Assistant Secretary of State
locking the barn door after the horse has bolted; doing something too late; (lit.) mending the pen after the sheep are lost
rear admiral (JMSDF)