1. disease; -pathy
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (247 in total)
illness (usu. excluding minor ailments, e.g. common cold); disease; bad habit; bad behaviour; crazy; insane
behaving in a way characteristic of teenagers going through puberty, esp. by being overly self-conscious; (lit.) 2nd year of junior high sickness
blues experienced by college freshmen or workplace recruits shortly after beginning school or work; the May blues
hospital; clinic; doctor's office; doctor's surgery; infirmary
diabetes; diabetes mellitus
cowardly; timid; easily frightened
heart disease; heart trouble; cardiopathy
sick person; patient; invalid
sickroom; hospital room; ward
(hospital) ward
weak (constitution); sickly; feeble; in poor health
pathological; morbid; unhealthy; diseased; unwholesome; abnormal
patient's condition; pathology
death from disease; death from illness
sickbed; (hospital) bed
chronic disease
fever; febrile disease
feigned illness
contagious disease; communicable disease; transmissible disease; infectious disease; epidemic
name of a disease
demon of ill health; disease
attack (disease)
mental illness; psychosis
strange disease; rare disease
incurable disease
sudden illness
serious illness
fatal disease
serious illness; dangerous disease
occupational disease
lung disease; chest trouble; pulmonary tuberculosis
director of a hospital
absence due to illness; sick leave
venereal disease; sexually transmitted infection; sexually transmitted disease; VD; STI; STD
all kinds of sicknesses
sick person; patient; invalid
endemic disease; local disease
heatstroke; sunstroke
lesion; pathological change
skin disease
dying of illness; dying of natural causes
sick child
rabies; hydrophobia
pain of sickness
Hansen's disease; leprosy
clinical (case) history
incurable disease
eye disease
hospital gown; patient gown
origin of an illness; cause of a disease; pathogenesis; etiology
Alzheimer's disease
altitude sickness; mountain sickness
Hansen's disease; leprosy
adult diseases
stomach trouble
state of an illness; condition of a patient
patient's condition; pathology
the cause of a disease
cause of a disease; root of an evil
nature of a disease
Parkinson's disease
women's disease; gynecological disorder; gynopathy
hereditary (genetic) disease
sleepwalking; somnambulism; autoscopy
nervous disorder; nerve disease
hospital; infirmary; ward
infectious disease
pathogenic bacteria; germ; pathogen
bad habit; peculiarity; weakness
scrofulosis; being in delicate health; lymphatic temperament
bad disease; malignant disease
kidney disease; renal disease; nephrism
(insect) pest; insect carrying disease germs; insect causing damage to crops
celiac disease; coeliac disease
infirmities of old age
sleeping sickness
Crohn's disease
bovine spongiform encephalopathy; BSE; mad cow disease
sick body; poor health
manic depression; manic-depressive psychosis; bipolar disorder
in sound health
sickly; delicate constitution
(crop) damage owing to disease or blight
periodontal disease; gum disease
decompression sickness; caisson disease; the bends
childhood diseases
radiation sickness
brain disease
the same sickness
evil influence; ill effect
sexually transmitted disease; social disease
gastrointestinal disorder
(crop) damage from disease and harmful insects
liver disease; liver disorder; hepatic disease
Huntington's disease
secondary disease; complications
disease affecting an entire nation
chorea; St. Vitus's dance
pollution-caused illness
anthrax; anthracnose
Lyme disease
Behcets disease; Behcet's syndrome
chronic disease
Hansen's disease; leprosy
modern disease; disease of our time
erythema infectiosum; slapped cheek syndrome; fifth disease; Sticker disease
purple spot (on a plant)
(medical) treatment
consciousness or awareness of being ill
Creutzfeld-Jakob disease; CJD
tropical disease
motion sickness
sick soldier
cardiovascular disease; circulatory disease
one's sick wife
alopecia; loss of hair
every type of disease
virus disease; viral disease
virus disease; viral disease
Graves' disease; Basedow's disease; exophthalmic goiter; toxic diffuse goiter
Graves' disease; Basedow's disease; exophthalmic goiter; toxic diffuse goiter
scrub typhus; tsutsugamushi disease
radiation sickness; radiation disease
sudden death syndrome; pokkuri death syndrome
adverse health effects supposedly caused by air conditioning; air-conditioning sickness
Hodgkin's lymphoma; Hodgkin's disease
prion disease
dwarf disease (plants); leaf curl
rabbit fever; tularemia (tularaemia)
feigned illness
tobacco mosaic virus infection; mosaic disease; mosaic
powdery mildew
Hansen's disease; leprosy
ich (Ichthyophthirius multifiliis) infection; white spot (protozoan infection of freshwater fish)
hematological disease; haematological disease
one who experiences a chronic ailment takes better care of his health and lives longer
psittacosis; parrot fever
hand, foot and mouth disease; HFMD
sleeping sickness; sleeping disease
ill health before symptoms appear; presymptomatic; pre-symptomatic
parasitosis; parasitic disease; vermination; helminthiasis
suffering (from illness)
iatrogenic disease
geriatric diseases
itai-itai disease; mass cadmium poisoning in Toyama Prefecture starting in the 1910s caused by industrial waste
moyamoya disease (rare, progressive cerebrovascular disorder caused by blocked arteries in the basal ganglia)
cat scratch fever
pebrine (disease of silkworms)
prevalence (rate)
rice blight; rice blast
general constitutional illness
hebephrenia; disorganized schizophrenia (disorganised)
Raynaud's disease; white finger disease
Addison's disease
Legionnaires' disease
subacute myelo-optico-neuropathy; SMON
Marburg disease; Marburg hemorrhagic fever; green monkey disease
Kawasaki disease; mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome; MCLS
filarial disease
Pick's disease
British disease; Britain's 1970s economic and labour problems
Panama disease (type of Fusarium wilt that affects bananas)
all kinds of illnesses
caisson disease
Marek's disease
altitude sickness
hereditary disease
altitude sickness
smut; bunt; dustbrand
smut; bunt; dustbrand
caisson disease; the bends
damping-off; die-back; blight
old age and sickness
pet-communicated infection
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; CJD
Meniere's disease
euphoria experienced by college students or workplace recruits at the beginning of school or work
blues experienced by workplace recruits shortly after beginning work
Hashimoto's disease; Hashimoto's thyroiditis
zymotic disease
Morquio's disease; Morquio's syndrome
serum sickness
Little's disease (i.e. spastic diplegia, a form of cerebral palsy)
Bright's disease (i.e. chronic nephritis)
schistosomiasis japonica (form of bilharzia caused by the Oriental blood fluke Schistosoma japonicum)
Katayama disease (i.e. schistosomiasis japonica)
Tay-Sachs disease
Korean anger syndrome; hwabyung
Peyronie's disease
Peyronie's disease
Peyronie's disease
downy mildew (disease)
downy mildew (disease)
Weil's disease; Weil's syndrome; severe leptospirosis
health neurosis; health obsession
birth, illness, old age and death
rice cake disease; blister blight
disease resistance; disease tolerance
poliomyelitis; polio; (lit.) Heine-Medin disease
Christmas blues; holiday stress (during December)
Dutch disease; decline in a country's manufacturing sector owing to increased exploitation of natural resources
fire blight (tree disease, esp. apple, nashi, etc.); fireblight
new type depression; depression where one is depressed only when at work
Fusarium ear blight; Fusarium head blight; scab
glycogenosis; glycogen storage disease
von Recklinghausen's disease
witches' broom (plant disease); hexenbesen
podiatrist; chiropodist
pearl disease
clover disease (cattle, sheep, etc.); trifoliosis
blues experienced by man who did not receive Valentine's day chocolate
Citrus Greening Disease; Huanglongbing; CG; HLB; yellow dragon disease
pulseless disease
Fusarium wilt
Japan disease; perceived inability of Japan to overcome economic stagnation, etc.
stress-related disease