1. private affairs; personal matter
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (78 in total)
unselfish; selfless; disinterested
private expense
whispering; whisper; secret talk; murmur
private; personal
private ownership
illegitimate child; bastard; love child
personal selection (esp. of a defense lawyer); private selection (e.g. of poetry)
civilian clothes; plain clothes; mufti; plainclothes police officer
private room
private property; personal belongings; personal effects
private army
personal feelings; self-interest
one's private life
personal use; private use; private business; personal business
public and private; official and personal; government and people
personal affairs; private matter; personal secret; privacy
small private school (esp. for cramming); private school (in the Edo period, orig. run by Confucianists)
private funds; own funds; private property
self-interest; selfish desire
personal opinion
private residence
punishment without a legal trial; vigilantism
private railway
selfishness; selfish motive
private individual
private individual
private house; one's own house
private university
I-novel; novel narrated in the first person
private (non-governmental) school (college, university)
private message
private road; driveway
private residence or home
self-interest; personal profit
private enterprise
private document
private war
personal conduct
private plan; one's own plan
non-official history; privately composed history
adultery; illicit intercourse
private interests; personal interests
relations between individuals
private document; personal letter
private university
faction; band
private right
one's own thoughts or opinion
private records or documents
personal opinion; selfishness
private land; park
one's personal opinion or views
personal opinion; criticism behind one's back
privately-made (esp. postcard, mailing card, etc.); commercially-made; non-government; unofficial
personal impression
private law
private property
illegitimate child
era name selected by commoners (as opposed to the imperial court)
an act done for one's own benefit
personal opinion
private collection
private or personal collection (of poetry)
post office box
private land
personal morals; personal virtues
private printing; privately printed book; private edition; non-government publication
private temple (Ritsuryo period); non-state-sponsored temple
letter of marque
personal seal
secret information; private message
private ownership of land and citizens
private insurance
private placement bond; privately-placed bond; privately-subscribed bonds
private constitutional drafts prepared before the adoption of the Meiji Constitution in 1889
privately-owned slave
private school