1. mistake; error
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (34 in total)
measurement error; calculation error
false report; incorrect report; misinformation; false alarm
accidental shooting
misprint; misspelling; typo; typographical error; erratum
accidental ingestion; swallowing something by mistake
to make a typo; to type the wrong character
malfunction; failure
erroneous entry; misentry; slip of the pen; writing down wrongly (a sum, etc.)
misnomer; misnaming
improper use; wrong use; misuse; mishandling; abuse
misuse; incorrect use; abuse; malapropism
bombing (shelling) the wrong target; (be killed by) friendly fire
correct or incorrect; right or wrong; accuracy; correction (of errors)
mistake; fault
misrecognition; mistaking (x for y)
breathing in (of a foreign body, food, etc.); pulmonary aspiration; mis-swallowing; swallowing down the wrong pipe
misbelief; fallacy
selecting the wrong kanji (when typing); kanji typo; misconversion
misjudgement; misjudgment; erroneous judgement; miscarriage of justice
errors and omissions
mistaken way of writing something; mistaken spelling; wrong way of writing something; wrong spelling
accidental ingestion
accidental bombing
(papal) infallibility
incorrect insertion (of equipment, unit, part)
ungrammatical sentence
false alarm; accidental alarm
accidental bid; bid made in mistake