1. origin; beginning
2. variable measure of fabric (28.8 cm in width); for kimonos: at least 10 m in length; for haori: at least 7.27 m in length; for other clothes: at least 6.06 m in length
3. tip; extremity
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (56 in total)
many items; pressure of business
just (now, at the moment, etc.); just as; in the act of; as soon as; at the moment that
sitting upright (properly)
terminal; computer terminal; information access device (smartphone, tablet, book-reader, etc.); end (e.g. of a roll of film)
pointed end; tip; point; forefront; vanguard; spearhead
handsome; shapely; clean-cut (features); decent; proper; correct
terminal (electricity); pin (on a semiconductor or microcontroller); port (e.g. LAN port)
southern tip
extreme; extremity
all; everything
frank; direct; plain; straightforward; point-blank; concise
both ends; either end; both edges
gossip; corner of the mouth
left end; left edge
tip of a headland; point
opening of hostilities
start; beginning; first step; clue
upper end; top; tip; top edge
start; beginning; first step; clue
western edge (e.g. of city); west side
proper (appearance, posture, etc.); correct; neat; straight; upright
southernmost tip (point, extremity, etc.)
northernmost tip (point, extremity, etc.)
lower end; bottom edge
Boy's Day celebration (May 5)
westernmost tip (point, extremity, etc.)
easternmost tip (point, extremity, etc.)
foreword; preface; introduction; postscript
front end
correct and solemn
anchor; endpoint node; peripheral node
the four beginnings (in Mencius's belief in humanity's innate goodness); the four sprouts
high order end
hostilities; beginning of hostilities
outer edge; outer end
edge; edge face; end face
end-to-side anastomosis
machined edge; edge-stitched seam
low order end
end of wind instrument
(radio) terminal
right hand edge
trailing edge
left hand edge
leading edge
shaft end; axial end; end of the shaft
first lunar month
elegant; handsome and refined
end measure (e.g. block gauge, limit gauge); end standard