Verb (5-dan, う)
1. to insult; to say something insulting about; to bad-mouth
Composed of
slander; bad-mouthing; abuse; insult; speaking ill (of)
to say; to utter; to name; to call; to go (e.g. "the alarm went ping"); to make a noise
Used in vocabulary (1 in total)
to insult someone behind their back
Examples (13 in total)
Don't speak ill of others.
Never speak ill of others.
You shouldn't speak ill of others.
Don't speak ill of him in public.
She always speaks ill of others.
We are apt to speak ill of others.
You should not speak ill of others.
I've never heard him speak ill of others.
I've never heard her speak ill of others.
Tom and Mary insult each other all the time.
They often heard him speak ill of others.
Donald doesn't like people who speak ill of others.
We must not speak ill of others behind their backs.