Adjective (な)
1. violence; force
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (36 in total)
insurgent; rioter; mob
violence; assault; rough (e.g. handling); reckless; rape; sexual assault
acting rashly; running wildly; runaway (process); reckless baserunning
violence; mayhem
reckless; thoughtless; rash; ill-advised; impulsive; mad (e.g. scheme)
abusive language; violent language; wild words
overeating; gluttony
rough (behaviour, temperament, etc.); wild; rude; violent
despair; desperation; abandonment
tyrant; despot
rainstorm; storm
assault; outrage; act of violence; rape; sexual assault
violent suppression
ferocious; brutal; atrocious; savage; barbarous
insurrection; rebellion; revolt; riot; uprising
spontaneous discharge; accidental gun discharge
irrational (line of) argument
excessive profits; usury
yakuza group
heavy drinking
combating organized crime; elimination of criminal gangs
storm; windstorm; gale
violence; reckless action; (an) outrage
hoodlum; ruffian
rage; frenzy
tyranny; abuse of power; violence (e.g. of a storm)
wild pitch
yakuza group
blizzard; snowstorm
an atrocity or outrage
racketeering by interceding in civil disputes and threatening the use of violence
punishing savage China