1. age; years
2. longevity; long life
3. congratulation; celebration; congratulatory gift
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (29 in total)
natural span of life; 250 years old
Manju era (1024.7.13-1028.7.25)
long-life celebrations, particularly the 61st, 77th and 88th birthdays
long life and happiness
108th birthday
Fukurokuju; god of happiness, prosperity and long life
long life; longevity
Sutra of Immeasurable Life
human life span; human lifespan
centenarian; person at least 100 years old
god of longevity
88th birthday
celebration of longevity
longevity celebration; old age anniversary
age or life of the emperor
long life and happiness
99th birthday
90th birthday
Ninju era (851.4.28-854.11.30)
long life; age; life
statue (of a living person)
celebration of longevity
toasting; drinking to someone's health
variegated Spanish violet; Yucca Aloifolia
100th birthday
112th birthday (and beyond)
90th birthday