1. mark; sign; target
2. plain wood showing the seating order of officials at court
3. nameplate
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 38300
Used in vocabulary (36 in total)
goal; target; aim; mark; sign; landmark
coordinate; coordinates
standard; level; norm
example; specimen; sample
sign; mark; flag
elevation; height above sea level
guidepost; signpost
standard; standardized; average; normal; ordinary
motto; slogan; catchword
title; index; heading; headline; caption
nameplate; doorplate
stone signpost; milepost; boundary stone; stone marker (benchmark, triangulation pillar, etc.)
emblem; ensign; mark
marker; signpost; guide pole; levelling pole (surveying)
milepost; milestone
subject (of memo, email, etc.); title
appearing on the surface; symbol; sign; distinguishing mark; diagnostic character
standing for; advocating; championing; professing (to be)
entry heading; access point
boundary mark (on land or water)
license plate for registered vehicles (i.e. compact car or larger)
signpost; regulation sign
distance mark; milepost
survey marker; station marker
characteristic (of a ring or field in algebra)
license plate for small vehicles (e.g. subcompact car, motorcycle)
water level marker; staff gauge
name post outside a shrine (usu. a stone pillar)
marginal notations