1. secret; mystery
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (49 in total)
secret; secrecy; mystery; secret (e.g. to success); esoteric teachings
absolute secrecy
secret (method, trick, etc.); key (e.g. to success); mysteries (of an art, trade, etc.); recipe; trick
treasured picture; secret picture; obscene picture
secret garden; private garden; name for female genitalia
(private) secretary; treasured book; secret book
secret (recipe, medicine, etc.); mysteries (e.g. of an art)
secret plan; secret scheme; secret stratagem; secret method
secret place; genitals
secret or hidden place; female genitalia; the underworld; the other world
hiding; concealment
secret art; the mysteries
secret medicine; secret remedy; nostrum; wonder drug; excellent remedy
treasuring; cherishing; prizing; holding dear
unexplored region; secluded region; place off the beaten track
secret method; secret process; secret formula; esoteric rituals (in Shingon Buddhism)
secret technique; secret art
secret story; unknown episode
secret ceremony; ritual; sanctum sanctorum
secret swordsmanship (of a specific school); secret traditions of fencing
hidden mysteries; secret principle
book of secrets
confidential; secret; classified
restricted; confidential
password; secret spell; secret phrase
password; secret spell; secret phrase
secret music
esoterica; mystery; sanctum
company secret
treasured book; secret book; pornographic book
Buddhist image normally withheld from public view
in secret
secret history; hidden history; unknown historical facts
private records; secret notes; secret document; confidential papers
esoteric religion
secret plan
secret method; secret recipe; (prescription for a) secret medicine
secret theory
secret technique; secret art
sex toy
secret records; secret document; secret notes
sensitivity indication