1. counter for waves (of a repeated occurrence)
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (75 in total)
the "ha" column of the Japanese syllabary table (ha, hi, fu, he, ho)
waves; billows; surge
disturbance; trouble; ups and downs
waves that remain after the wind has subsided; after-effect; aftermath
Rayleigh wave
wave motion; undulation; surge; wave
S-wave (e.g. of earthquake); secondary wave
brain waves; electroencephalogram; EEG
breakwater; seawall; bulwark; mole; narrow stone structure for breaking incoming waves and loading goods on and off ships
second wave
ground wave; terrestrial broadcast signal (i.e. not satellite); terrestrial; over-the-air
wavelike; in waves; undulation
pāramitā; perfection; perfection of Buddhist practices or attaining enlightenment; jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus)
medium wave
ripple; ring on the water; repercussions; Japanese slit drum; instrument made of iron with slits on top; makes a rippling sound
electromagnetic wave
wavy form; ripply shape; waveform
interval between the waves; gap between waves
killer demon; demon who strives to destroy all goodness
wave crest; whitecaps
gravitational wave; gravity wave
psychic waves
wave height
wind and waves; rough seas; storm; dispute; quarrel; trouble
the "ha" column of the Japanese syllabary table (ha, hi, fu, he, ho)
cycle; wave; frequency
wavy line
alpha wave
reflected wave; rebounded wave; echo
choppy sea; chopping waves; triangle wave
seismic wave
wave surface; wave-front
long wave
pressure wave
beta wave
P-wave (e.g. of earthquake); primary wave
matter wave
Rayleigh wave
gamma wave
pulse wave
delta wave
carrier wave
elastic wave
square wave; rectangular wave
parajika (rules entailing expulsion from the sangha for life)
compressional wave; longitudinal wave; dilatational wave; wave of condensation and rarefaction
wave number; wavenumber
square wave
harmonic (wave)
wave erosion
wave power; wave force
plane wave
Battle of Rokuhara (Genkō War; 1333); Capture of Rokuhara
old school; old style; conservative people
sine wave
wave modulation
standing (stationary) wave
centimetric wave
de Broglie wave
de Broglie wave
extremely high frequency wave; EHF
backward belt throw
(of clerical script) horizontal lines ending in a noticeable triangular tail
traveling wave (travelling)
Alfven wave; Alfvén wave; type of magnetohydrodynamic wave
freak wave; rogue wave
giant wave; large wave
bridge-type full-wave rectifier
total harmonic distortion; THD
Hanami Station
Examples (1 in total)
Liu Xiaobo is Chinese.