1. stationary point
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (23 in total)
acid reflux; bile reflux; pyrosis; gloating; gratification; satisfaction
heeding; paying attention; bearing in mind
heeding; paying attention; bearing in mind
staying behind; remaining; residual
farewell to those staying behind
studying abroad; studying at a different school, etc. (usu. for a specific purpose)
overseas student; exchange student
repeating a year (at school); staying in the same class for another year
residing (esp. abroad); staying; living
residence; reside
fraction (e.g. in distillation); cut
remaining in office; staying in office; remaining at one's post
student repeating the same class
refinement (e.g. of alcohol); rectification
fractional distillation; fractionation
studying abroad in Japan; staying in Japan
directly distilled; straight
remaining in office
Examination for Japanese University Admission (for international students); EJU
crude alcohol; roughly distilled alcohol