1. I; me
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (40 in total)
presentiment; premonition; hunch; to have a premonition; to have a hunch
prediction; prophecy; prognostication
expectation; assume will happen; forecast
expectation; anticipation; prediction; forecast; conjecture
estimate (of costs); budget
foresight; foreknowledge; intimation; premonition; prediction
reservation; appointment; contract; subscription; programming (e.g. a device); setting (e.g. a timer)
forecast; prediction
prefiguring; foreshadowing
preparatory command
preliminary contest; qualifying round; trial; heat; primary
foresight; foreknowledge; divination
Iyo (former province located in present-day Ehime Prefecture)
prognosis; aftereffects; recuperation; convalescence
bell signalling that work, class, etc. will formally begin shortly; first bell; warning bell
prediction; prejudgment; presupposition; foregone conclusion
preparatory course; preparatory department
estimated time of arrival; ETA
preheat (oven, etc.); warm up (engine, etc.)
indisposition; emperor's illness; unhappiness
guessing beforehand; conjecture in advance
celebrating in advance; advance blessing (e.g. of crops)
estimated price; price estimate
estimated time of departure; ETD
preliminary tremor
spares; reserve supply
probable (predetermined) price; expected price
preliminary draft; abstract
pre-load; precompression; pilot pressure
National Institute of Health
farewell meeting; send-off
farewell party for graduates (held prior to graduation)
act of joining a crowd or assembly of people; attendance
Seiyo City (Ehime)