how; in what way; how about; questionable
advertisement; advertising; announcement; notice
exactly; precisely; just; as if; as though; quite
genius; prodigy; natural gift
perhaps; possibly; by some chance; by some possibility
may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly
to face; to go towards; to head towards
to raise one's hand; to surrender; to raise one's hand to someone (as a threat to strike); to become better (at something); to improve; to throw one's hat in the ring
fatigue; weariness; exhaustion; tiredness
face; visage; look; expression; honor; honour
town; block; downtown; main street; street; road
to loiter; to putter; to prowl; to wander about; to roam about; to knock around
indicates supposition; if ... then; when; (typically after someone's name) indicates exasperation
why?; what for?; how?; by what means?
selfish; egoist; (arch.) self-indulgent; (arch.) wilful; (arch.) willful
(doing) as one pleases; to one's heart's content; letting (something) go unchecked; leaving uncontrolled; leaving (something) to take its own course
that's the way it is; yes; is that so?; is it?
I wonder; should I?; is it?; I wish that; I hope that
genuine article; real thing; real deal
receiving an official appointment; being appointed (to the post of)
daughter of a person of high rank (esp. eldest daughter)
role; assignment; position (of responsibility); post; part (in a play, film, etc.); role
cum (e.g. bedroom-cum-study); holding both roles (e.g. Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs); and; in addition; concurrently; at the same time
Saint; St.; S.; sacred; holy; pure
magic; witchcraft; sorcery; spell
user; consumer; master (e.g. of swordsmanship); prodigal; spendthrift
accompanying; travelling together; traveling together; same bank
same; identical; equal; anyway; anyhow; in either case
face; official stance; public position or attitude (as opposed to private thoughts); ceremony for the erection of the framework of a house
to be hit; to strike; to touch; to be in contact; to be equivalent to; to be applicable; to be right on the money (of a prediction, criticism, etc.)
existing (at the present moment); alright; acceptable; to be (usu. of inanimate objects); to have
real life; actual life; everyday life
the most; the extreme; prime; conspicuous
base (e.g. of a triangle); low class; low in social standing; base (e.g. of support); foundation
heir; heiress; inheritor; successor
equality (esp. of status); equal footing; equal terms
to talk; to speak; to tell; to explain; to speak (a language)
should (be); bound (to be); nock (of a bow); nock (of an arrow); nock-shaped grip (between thumb and forefinger); wooden frame on the tip of the mast of a Japanese ship that prevents the hawser from falling out
to support; to prop; to sustain; to hold at bay; to stem; to check
gofer; dogsbody; person who is made to do things or get things for someone else
successive generations; successive emperors
thereabouts; vicinity; that area; that situation; those circumstances
to pile up and up; to pile up more and more; to mount (e.g. debts, concerns)