with the exception of; excepting; excluding
so; like this; in this way
(something) has never occurred; to have never done (something); such a thing has not happened; never happens; there is never a time when
-ness; indicates assertion; come; come now
to be surprised; to be amazed; to be frightened; surprise (e.g. surprise party)
in a manner of speaking; as it were; so to speak; if you like; per se
what; you-know-what; that thing; whatsit; whachamacallit; (not) at all; (not) in the slightest
to receive; to get; to catch (e.g. a ball); to be struck by (wind, waves, sunlight, etc.); to sustain (damage); to incur (a loss); to undergo (e.g. surgery)
such ... as; or some such
(sound of) laughter; laughing voice
to spread (out); to extend; to stretch; to reach to; to get around; to fill (e.g. a space)
very; considerably; by no means; not readily; middle; half-way point
feel (i.e. tactile sensation); touch; feeling; sensation; texture (e.g. food, cloth)
accessible; approachable; easy to approach
be considered; be deemed; be thought to be
endorsing and questioning the preceding statement; lamenting reflections on the preceding statement
drumming (noise); beating; rapidly; quickly; continuously; one after the other
question; inquiry; enquiry
to pile up; to heap up; to stack up; to repeat many times over; to go through repeatedly; to accumulate
opposite side; other side; over there; that way; the other party; the other person
and the like; such as; or something; something like; I hear that ...; people say that...
to be (of animate objects); to exist; to stay; to be ...-ing; to have been ...-ing
far from; anything but; not at all; let alone; to say nothing of; not to mention
in the first place; to begin with; after all; anyway; beginning; start
same generation; one's generation
to search for; to look for; to hunt for; to search (a house, pocket, etc.); to search through; to rummage in (e.g. a drawer)
difficult; hard; impossible; unfeasible; fussy; particular; gloomy
playing; play (margin between on and off, gap before pressing button or lever has an effect)
how; in what way; how about
basics; fundamentals; basis; foundation
field (for fruits, vegetables, etc.); cultivated land; field (of specialization); sphere; womb; birth
only; just; merely; as much as; to the extent of; enough to
to be (of animate objects); to exist; to stay; to be ...-ing; to have been ...-ing
terrible; dreadful; amazing (e.g. of strength); great (e.g. of skills); to a great extent; vast (in numbers)
close (e.g. in terms of relationship); intimate
fellow; guy; thing; object; he; she
together (with); at the same time; in a lump
river; stream; River; the ... river
inside; interior; among; within; middle; center; during
to jump in; to leap in; to plunge into; to burst in; to barge in
mountain; hill; mine (e.g. coal mine); heap; pile; crown (of a hat); thread (of a screw)
tree; shrub; bush; wood; timber
to ascend; to go up; to ascend (as a natural process, e.g. the Sun); to rise; to go to (the capital); to be promoted; to add up to
to descend (e.g. a mountain); to go down; to alight (e.g. from bus); to get off; to step down; to retire; to be granted