wonderful; marvelous; strange; strangely enough; oddly enough; for some reason
to sleep; to die; to rest (in peace); to lie idle (e.g. of resources); to lie unused; (arch.) to close one's eyes
to weigh on one's mind; to bother one; to be interested (in); to be curious (about); to feel like (doing); to feel inclined to
to partition; to divide; to direct; to manage; to settle accounts; to assume a crouching posture (at the start of a bout)
may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly
sleepy; drowsy; somnolent
cross (for crucifixion); the Cross (of Christ)
ease of use; user-friendliness; usability; utility; convenience
without change; as is; just like; extremely similar; immediately; just after
pierced; drilled; perforated; hollow
to leave as; to view as; to maintain the status quo
to hang (something) on (something); to throw on (clothes); to hook; to catch; to cheat; to evade payment; to drink (alcohol)
to invite; to ask (someone to do); to tempt; to lure; to induce (tears, laughter, sleepiness, etc.); to arouse (e.g. sympathy)
long (distance, length); long (time); protracted; prolonged
to discharge (e.g. effluent)
with trouble; at great pains; rare; valuable; kind; generous
nicely; properly; frequently; often; I'm glad that you ...; thank you for ...
book; volume; this; present; main; head
to put; to place; to leave (behind); to establish (an organization, a facility, a position, etc.); to set up; to appoint (someone to a certain position); to hire
learning; scholarship; study; study of ...; -ology; -ics
entering an institution; beginning training; primer; manual; introduction (to)
supply; provision; raising; procurement
reasonably; fairly; hurriedly; in a rush; approximately; about
yes; yeah; hum; hmmm; oof
very; considerably; by no means; not readily; middle; half-way point
to change; to alter; to reform; to correct; to examine; to check
classroom; lecture room; department (in a university); class; lessons; school (for a particular discipline)
shintai; object of worship believed to contain the spirit of a deity, typically housed in a shrine
instead of; in place of; as a substitute for; in exchange for; in return for; to make up for
temple elementary school (during the Edo period)
such; like that; that sort of; very
generally; in the main; (more or less) everything; all parts; ordinary; usual
tap-tap; knock-knock; cough-cough; bark (of a fox); yelp; heavily (e.g. of snow falling)
oh!; good heavens!; ugh!; oh no!; ah!; the penny drops!