to come out; to appear; to turn up; to emerge
to pin down; to knock down; to push (and hold) somebody down (esp. with sexual connotations)
ordinary; average; common; normal; like the average person; like most people
degree; amount; grade; standard; of the order of (following a number); about
taste (in goods, etc.); manners; etiquette; modesty; restraint; knowledge, experience (of the arts, etc.)
anyhow; at any rate; anyway; somehow or other; generally speaking; in any case
experienced person; person who has had a particular experience
failed attempt (at a crime, suicide, etc.)
to fret (over); to brood (about); to mope; worriedly; (fretting) constantly; (worrying) over this and that
to pierce; to stab; to sting; to bite; to sew; to stitch; to pole (a boat)
one; for one thing; only; (not) even; just (e.g. "just try it"); some kind of; one type of
to be worried; to be troubled
putting in an appearance; visiting; coming to the surface; appearing; showing one's face (in TV, social media, etc.)
to be careful; to pay attention; to take care
nevertheless; at any rate; even so; all things considered; be that as it may
origin; source; base; basis; cause; ingredient; material
state; condition; situation; appearance; circumstances
state of affairs (around you); situation; circumstances
hello (e.g. on phone); excuse me! (when calling out to someone)
fine weather; fair weather
outside; exterior; the open (air); other place; somewhere else
to fall behind; to lag behind; to lose (race, contest)
to put back; to return; to vomit; to throw up; to recover (of a market price)
it is, isn't it?; I know, right?; innit?
location (e.g. of film shoot); remote (shoot at a remote location)
to go by; to go past; to run (between; of a rail service, bus route, etc.); to operate (between); to go indoors; to go into a room; to penetrate
far away; distant place; long ago; far back; by far
to take (a photo); to record (video, audio, etc.); to make (a film)
so much; so often; oh, yes!; that's it; that's right; quite
to flash (e.g. lightning); to flicker; to flutter (e.g. flag); to wave; to flash into one's mind (e.g. an idea); to come to one suddenly
to sing; to sing (one's praises in a poem, etc.); to compose a poem; to recite a poem
Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides); melody; section of a pop song
to take (a photo); to record (video, audio, etc.); to make (a film)
to stop (moving); to come to a stop; to stop (doing, working, being supplied); to come to a halt; to alight; to perch on
to cease; to stop; to be over
your house; your home; your husband; your organization; you
stamina; endurance; physical strength; strength of an organization (e.g. profitability, productivity, economic clout, stability, growth potential)
boarding; board; meals; catering; cook
what the?; what's going on?; what's this?
finally; at last; barely; narrowly; gradually; little by little
to be caught; to be arrested; to hold on to; to grasp; to find (e.g. proof); to get (e.g. a taxi)