to add (one thing to another); to add (a few more words, an explanation, etc.)
third day of the month; three days
to leave behind; to put off; to postpone
fifth day of the month; five days
instead; but (on the other hand)
tenth day of the month; ten days
term; period; time frame; time limit; deadline; cutoff (date)
until then; till then; to that extent; the end of it; all there is to it
conclusion; decision; end; settlement
to be attached; to be connected with; to remain imprinted; to scar; to bear (fruit, interest, etc.); to be acquired (of a habit, ability, etc.); to increase (of strength, etc.)
together with; as X, then Y (e.g. as we age we gain wisdom, as wine matures it becomes more valuable, etc.)
winner-takes-all (system)
dead person; (the) deceased; (the) dead; casualties
just barely; only just; at the very limit; at the last moment
bodily; physical; corporeal; sexual; sensual; of the flesh
mental; spiritual; emotional
to bear; to stand; to support; to withstand; to be fit for; to be equal to
to drink; to gulp; to smoke (tobacco); to engulf; to overwhelm; to keep down; to suppress
exhibition hall (room, area)
children's story; fairy tale
to talk about; to speak of; to recite; to chant; to indicate; to show
to lift up; to hold up; to give; to offer; to devote; to sacrifice
to build up; to complete; to construct; to make up; to fabricate; to invent
masterwork; masterpiece; crowning work; one's magnum opus; work of the highest quality
to be awarded (e.g. a prize); to be given an award; to be gifted or endowed (e.g. with a talent); to be blessed (e.g. with a child); to be initiated (e.g. into a secret)
to temper thoroughly; to train well
(public) notice; attention; public eye; public gaze
obedience; submission; resignation
to be accompanied by; to be attended by; to take along (someone); to conquer; to subjugate; to subdue
certainly; surely; definitely
fourth day of the month; four days
gradually; steadily; slowly; little by little; step by step; by degrees
favourable; favorable; doing well; OK; all right
(another's) daughter; young lady
anyhow; in any case; at any rate; at best; at most
to put on (one's head); to wear; to be covered with (dust, snow, etc.); to pour (water, etc.) on oneself; to bear (e.g. someone's debts, faults, etc.); to take (blame); to overlap (e.g. sound or color)
to act (a part); to play (a role); to perform (a play, etc.); to put on (a production); to commit (a blunder); to disgrace oneself