to judge
FrequencyTop 1200-1300
Kyōiku (6th grade) 
KankenLevel 5
Composed of
a lot of weaponry
Used in vocabulary (196 in total)
trial; judgement; judgment
to judge; to decide; to sit in judgement; to try
(outward) appearance; (proper) format (e.g. of an essay); form; appearances; decency; lip-service
judgment; judgement; decision; verdict
sanctions; punishment
sewing; needlework
arbitration; intercession; mediation
court; courthouse
decision; ruling; award; arbitration
discretion; judgement
president (of an organization); director general; governor (of a central bank); party leader (esp. LDP)
sanction; approval
dictatorship; despotism
cutting (cloth, paper); judgement; judgment; decision
district court; local court
to put to trial; to argue in court
(punishment by) striking with fists
sanction; approval
decision; ruling; judgement; judgment
(Western) dressmaking
district court
matter for the court; (ending up as a) lawsuit; legal tussle; court fight
lay judge (2005 reforms); citizen judge; juror
discretion; discretionary power
dictatorship; despotism
dictatorship; despotic government
tailor; seamstress; dressmaker; clothier
bad form or manners; indecency; impropriety
trial by lay judges; lay judge trial
family court
latitude; (at one's) discretion; discretionary powers; a free hand
presidential election
to cut (cloth)
taking one's own life; suicide
immediate ruling; immediate decision; deciding for oneself; direct ruling; direct judgement
trial in absentia; judgment by default (judgement)
cutting machine; cutter; (paper) guillotine
moot court; mock trial
judicial decision made with human kindness and warmth in a fair manner
cutting; cutting off
to cut apart (cloth, paper, etc.)
Tokyo Trials; International Military Tribunal for the Far East; IMTFE
citizen judge system; lay judge system; quasi-jury system
sanction; approval
arbitrator; mediator
Japanese dressmaking; kimono making
sewing scissors; dressmaker's shears
for appearances' sake; for appearance sake
punishment without a legal trial; vigilantism
flexible work hours; flexi-time
president of the party; party leader
to put to trial; to argue in court
arbitrator; mediator
dictatorship of the proletariat
sewing scissors; dressmaker's shears
cutting; cut
Supreme Court justice; Supreme Court judge
to cut open; to cut apart; to divide; to split
matter for the court; (ending up as a) lawsuit; legal tussle; court fight
(Japanese) Court of Impeachment
military dictatorship
dictatorship of the proletariat
court injunction; court order
one-party regime; single-party regime
cutting; cut
International Military Tribunal for the Far East; IMTFE; Tokyo Trials
discretionary work (labour, labor)
developmental dictatorship (authoritarian form of government that pursues rapid economic development at the expense of democratic freedoms)
dictatorship; despotism
appeals court; appellate court
arbitrage; arbitrage position; arbitrage transaction
competent court; court having jurisdiction (over a matter); court of competent jurisdiction; court of jurisdiction
matter personally decided by the emperor
cutting and sewing
summary court; court of summary offences
prime minister and party president
imperial decision; imperial sanction; direct ruling of the Emperor (under the Meiji constitution)
cutting in half
Scopes Trial (landmark US trial on the teaching of evolution in public schools, 1925); Scopes Monkey Trial
tastefully; respectfully; decently
cutting off the edges (printing, sewing, cooking, etc.); snippets; trimmings; cuttings
prime minister and party president
cutting; trimming; shearing; pruning
cutting machine; paper cutter; guillotine
to cut and sew
(Associate) Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
original court; court of first instance
trial by jury; jury trial
judicial decision
tailor's cutting board
imperial decision
to cut out (a dress) from cloth
cutting off the edges (printing, sewing, cooking, etc.); snippets; trimmings; cuttings
cutting off the edges (printing, sewing, cooking, etc.); snippets; trimmings; cuttings
to begin to cut
to begin to cut
cutting and sewing
tastefully; respectfully; decently
cutting machine; paper cutter; guillotine
cutting (cloth or paper)
original judgment; original judgement
cuttings; scraps
(tailor's) cutting; styling
(tailor's) cutter
veto; rejection
shearing machine
settlement by arbitration
delicate judgment; delicate judgement
fake trial; kangaroo court
governor of a central bank
court of review; retrial court
system of one-party rule; system of single-party rule
kimono maker; kimono tailor
general forum; general venue
people's democratic dictatorship (e.g. Maoism)
tailorbird (Orthotomus sp.)
Examples (67 in total)
He decided to put the murder trial first in the evening news.
The court session lasted for three hours.
The trial is not open to the public.