FrequencyTop 100
Kyōiku (2nd grade) 
KankenLevel 9

A cryptic pictograph of a face trying to say something.

We have a mouth at the bottom, then we have two short lines signifying a nose (this person has a really long nose, hence two lines), then one long line for the eyes (this person has an eye visor just like RoboCop), and then the final line at the top to represent the forehead.

Used in kanji (152 in total)
to speak
Used in vocabulary (1571 in total)
to say; to utter; to name; to call; to go (e.g. "the alarm went ping"); to make a noise
language; dialect; word; phrase; speech; (manner of) speaking
to be called ...; to be referred to as ...
called; named; as many as; as much as; all ...; every single ...
such ... as; or some such
such; like that; that sort of; very
single word; a few words; brief comment
meaning; called; said
silence (not speaking); muteness
way of saying (something); way of putting it; wording; phrasing; language; expression
statement; remark; observation; utterance; speech; proposal
with these words; while saying
to tell (somebody) to (do something)
declaration; proclamation; announcement
excuse; explanation
in terms of both ... and ...; from the perspective of ... as well as ...; whether it be ... or ...
speaking of ...; when it comes to ...; as for ...; if one were to say ...
to begin to say; to start talking; to broach (a matter); to be the first to say; to suggest (doing); to propose
although I say; although one might say; although called
to say enough (as much as required); to say plenty; to say well; to say cleverly; to say often; to say frequently
as (somebody) says
to declare; to assert; to state definitively; to finish saying; to say it all; to finish one's sentence
as (somebody) says
to tell; to (try to) persuade; to advise; to warn; to admonish; to reason
assertion; declaration; affirmation
now that you mention it; come to think of it; that reminds me; on that subject; speaking of which
to complain; to make a complaint
to speak distinctly; to speak clearly; to put it bluntly; to get to the point; to be frank
to start to say; to attempt to say; to be about to say; to speak to; to address
(your) words; what you say; what you have said; a few words (of welcome, advice, etc.)
word; remark; statement
to declare; to assert; to say bluntly; to say straight out
speech and conduct; words and deeds
to talk back; to answer back; to retort; to say over; to repeat (what one has said)
testimony; (verbal) evidence
soliloquy; monologue; speaking to oneself
manner of speaking; verbal argument; objection; protesting a decision (esp. that of a sumo referee); rumor; rumour
now that you say that; now that you mention it
to become speechless; to be at a loss for words
goes without saying; needless to say; obvious
one's say; one's point; complaint; grievance; objection
verbal message; word (from someone)
to do what one is told to; to take someone's advice; to listen to what someone says
to leave word with (a person); to state in one's will; to leave (something) unsaid; to forget to mention
when it comes to ...; if one were to speak of ...; by ... you mean ...; when you say ... you mean that ...; whenever ...; if it's ... then (without fail)
single word; a few words; brief comment
advice; counsel; suggestion; tip; hint
prediction; prophecy; prognostication
to say something is all right; to give the all-clear (e.g. to do something)
to speak to; to give a (something) talk to; to speak words of (something)
even if I told you
to say to each other; to exchange (jokes, comments, etc.); to quarrel; to dispute
speech; expression; wording; language
you could say; you might say; verging on the
to insist; to assert; to be obstinate in saying
to talk or say too much; to go too far; to overstate; to exaggerate
to announce; to tell; to sentence; to order
reference; allusion
to be at a loss for words
exactly as stated; verbatim
to express in a refined fashion; to weave a web of words
to stop talking; to break off; to pause
or rather (say); or better (say); or perhaps I should say; or, how should I put it; I mean
while it may be true that; just because; nevertheless; not necessarily
to reply; to respond; to answer; to talk back; to retort
however; because; as
to be possible to say; to be able to say; (arch.) said; (arch.) have said
to begin to say; to start talking; to broach (a matter); to be the first to say; to suggest (doing); to propose
to choose one's words (with care); to be careful with one's words
rather than
to speak badly (of); to speak ill (of); to bad-mouth
because ...; for ...; the reason being ...; as for ...; when it comes to ...; regarding ...
hard to say; inexpressible; hesitant to say; embarrassing; delicate
advice (to a superior); counsel; proposal; suggestion; recommendation
indescribable; inexpressible; unspeakable; indefinable; nobody can tell
for your information; I'm telling you
expression; phraseology
if anything; conversely; putting it the other way around; coming at it from the opposite angle
to say in other words; to put another way; to express in different words; to reword; to rephrase
to talk; to speak
sleep-talking; nonsense; gibberish
indescribable; having no way to express
to tell (to do); to order; to tell on (someone); to tattle; to often say
such; this sort of; like this
or rather (say); or better (say); or perhaps I should say; or, how should I put it; I mean
just because; even if; even though
to be vague; to speak ambiguously; to be evasive; to not commit oneself
indescribable; inexpressible; unspeakable; indefinable; nobody can tell
will; testament; last request
also called
words of praise; eulogy; compliment
to say something additional; to add (to what was said before)
nonsense; silly talk; drivel; rubbish
verbal gaffe; verbal slip; slip of the tongue; using improper words
to correct oneself; to restate
having said that; on the other hand
to get someone to say; to make someone say; to let someone say; to let someone speak out; to make a sound
to declare; to speak out; to warn; to spit out (words)
or rather (say); or better (say); or perhaps I should say; or, how should I put it; I mean
to be honest; to be frank; honestly; if you want to know the truth
if anything; if pushed I'd say; if I had to say
scolding; telling-off; rebuke; complaint; grumbling; fault-finding
to quarrel; to dispute
hard to say; inexpressible; hesitant to say; embarrassing; delicate
order; command; directions; instructions
remarks; comments; way of talking; speaking style; excuse; topic (of conversation)
a quarrel; argument
to forget to say; to forget to mention
to finish speaking
(what) one is trying to say; (what) one wants to say; (what) one is saying; (what) one means
(doing) as one is told
to speak one's mind; to be frank; to tell the truth
to guess right
exaggeration; overstatement; saying too much; misstatement; slip of the tongue; gaffe
to speak (of something); to be effective; to be powerful; to mean everything
quarrel; dispute
abusive language; violent language; wild words
to ask a big favour; to ask unreasonable things; to be unreasonable
it is no exaggeration to say; it is not too much to say
to say (something) over one's shoulder
to court; to woo; to approach defiantly
false accusation; pretext; picking a quarrel; committing oneself
be (that) as it may; having said that
so to speak
declaration; statement
to declare; to assert; to state definitively; to finish saying; to say it all; to finish one's sentence
even though; despite; when
to hesitate to say
what is called; as it is called; the so-called; known as; so to speak
evasion; excuse; subterfuge; runaround
manner of speaking; mode of expression; way of saying something
unexpressed; unspoken; implied; implicit
to choke up; to be speechless; to hold one's tongue
declaration; profession
so to speak; so to call it; as it were
tradition; legend
to say all kinds of things; to complain; to find fault (with)
in a manner of speaking; as it were; so to speak; if you like; per se
to spread (e.g. a rumor); to circulate; to disseminate
don't try and tell me that!; don't try that shit on me
simply put; putting it simply; in short
to express (in words); to confess
as a matter of fact; to tell the truth
to do exactly what one is told to do; to be subservient; to be easily controlled
to speak (of something); to be effective; to be powerful; to mean everything
to insult; to say something insulting about; to bad-mouth
outrageous; preposterous; scandalous; inexcusable; absurd; execrable
to finish saying
wording (esp. of written text); classical Chinese literary style; traditional written Chinese
to come to the point; to get straight to the point; to speak frankly; to speak plainly; to talk straight
(it) goes without saying; needn't be said; that should rather be left unsaid
to hesitate to say
as if ...; as if to say ...; as though ...
to raise objections; to complain; (to have the right) to say anything
to state one's opinion
to deceive (with words); to cajole; to talk into; to explain away (e.g. unpleasant evidence); to argue away; to wheedle
that is to say; so that means
with all due respect; I'm sorry, but ...; I'm afraid ...
to continue (to say)
to advise strongly; to insist (on something)
to leave words (behind one, e.g. after death); to say (for posterity); to utter last words; to leave some things unsaid
to tell (somebody) to (do something)
to say previously unspoken thoughts; to start saying; to court someone
to explain clearly; to give detailed instructions
commitment; pledge; promise
grudge; complaint; reproach
difficult to speak about
to keep talking; to go on and on; to talk non-stop
to talk; to carry meaning
if I'm forced to say something; if anything; if I must say; if I must choose
to argue vehemently
exactly as stated; verbatim
something like ...; something called ...
dialect; provincialism
taking back what one just said; eating one's words; negating one's previous comment, opinion, etc.
reckless remark; rash remark; thoughtless words; falsehood
mysterious power of words to alter reality
peremptorily; willy-nilly; forcibly
to make snide remarks; to put into bad mood
alluring words; endearing words; sugared words; sweet words; honeyed words; flattery
double-dealing; double tongue; going back on what one has said; repeating oneself
Not a word to anyone; Mum's the word
at a loss for words; stumped for words
all manner of (verbal) abuse; all kinds of names; abusive language; torrent of abuse; stream of insults
to be unreasonable; to whine; to act like a baby
to talk or say too much; to go too far; to overstate; to exaggerate
proposal; motion; recommendation
forcefulness of speech; influential voice
(one) could even say that
how should I put it?; what shall I say?; well, you know; like
kyogen; farce presented between noh plays or during the interlude of a noh play; kabuki play; kabuki performance; make-believe; ruse
after all is said and done; no matter what people say; in the end; definitely; undeniably
saying all one has to say (usu. negative, e.g. complaints, insults, etc.)
it is no exaggeration to say; it is not too much to say
password; watchword; motto; slogan
falsehood; lie
telling others; revealing to others; letting out a secret
to talk nonsense
when it comes to the cause; when you get right down to it; as for what started it; as for the reason; originally
language of flowers; floriography; flower symbolism, e.g. red roses mean love
to speak to; to give a (something) talk to; to speak words of (something)
prank; practical joke
if anything; if pushed I'd say; if I had to say
doing as one is told; yes-man
to hurl abuse (at); to use abusive language
to give candid advice; to give harsh but honest advice; to admonish
just like that; in the twinkling of an eye; in the blink of an eye; (lit.) in the time it takes to say "ah!"
saying; maxim; aphorism; proverb
every single word and phrase; word by word
to do what one is told to; to take someone's advice; to listen to what someone says
somehow; how; in what way; why; what kind of
laconic; of few words; reticent; quiet
to say enough (as much as required); to say plenty; to say well; to say cleverly; to say often; to say frequently
prophet; predictor; prognosticator
wise saying; famous saying
how (beautiful, etc.); what a ...; nothing worth mentioning; nothing special; of what name
to be commonly referred to as; as people say; as the saying is; they say
to let someone say
remarks; comments; way of talking; speaking style; excuse; topic (of conversation)
look who's talking; you're one to talk; you can talk
to choke up; to be speechless; to hold one's tongue
(it won't be possible) on such short notice
(oral) message; declaration; hearsay; rumour; rumor
bombshell announcement (statement)
to talk (a person) down; to confute
candid advice; frank advice; honest opinion; exhortation; harsh but honest advice
going straight to the point; cutting it short; as it turns out
how should I put it?; what shall I say?; well, you know; like
scolding; telling-off; rebuke; lecture
manner of speaking; mode of expression; way of saying something; at the same time as speaking; as one speaks
word ending; way of ending one's words; slip of the tongue; verbal mistake
to talk; to carry meaning
sweet words; smooth talk; cajolery; flattery; sycophancy
to leave word; to leave a message
to speak with restraint; to understate; to downplay; to put it mildly; to say the least
talking in delirium; incoherent muttering
to accept a kind offer; to take someone up on their offer
verbalizing; putting into words
indescribable; inexpressible
word game; wordplay; playing with words
to add (to what was said before); to say in addition
prophet; predictor; prognosticator
difficult to speak about
(I) won't say anything no matter what; to be unwilling to tell even under threat
previous remarks
after all is said and done; no matter what people say; in the end; definitely; undeniably
if anything; conversely; putting it the other way around; coming at it from the opposite angle
to miss one's chance to say; to fail to mention
hard to say; inexpressible; hesitant to say; embarrassing; delicate
festivities; celebration; wedding; marriage ceremony
as a matter of fact; to tell the truth
to exhaust one's vocabulary (in trying to persuade somebody or explain something, etc.); to run out of words; to be verbose; to cajole; to talk someone's head off
to talk nonsense
I've heard that ...; rumour has it that ...; it appears as if ...
excuse; explanation
perfectly fitting phrase
seeming like an excuse; seeming like a justification; defensive; in an apologetic tone
to hand down (a story, legend, etc.); to pass on (to the next generation); to spread (a rumor, news, etc.); to circulate; to send word; to pass on (a message)
to sum it up in one word; ... is the word for it
you could say; you might say; verging on the
to say in other words; to put another way; to express in different words; to reword; to rephrase
peremptorily; willy-nilly; forcibly
to explain away (a mistake, failure, etc.); to make excuses for; to gloss over; to talk one's way out of
having said that; be that as it may
in this way; along these lines; similarly
prattle; broken language; halting language; baby talk; imperfect speech; smattering
first person to say something; first person to suggest something
to cut in; to butt in
to grumble about something (trivial)
to get someone to say; to make someone say
to tell; to (try to) persuade; to advise; to warn; to admonish; to reason
speech; expression; wording; language
speech; expression; wording; language
to explain away; to talk one's way out of; to excuse oneself; to evade
to say something is all right; to give the all-clear (e.g. to do something)
words of praise; eulogy; compliment
asking price
not one to talk; who are you to say; look who's talking
look who's talking; I don't want to hear it from you; are you in any position to say that?
to accuse someone falsely; to make a false charge
admonition; remonstrance; expostulation
no matter what anyone says; regardless of what is said
that is to say; so that means
to court; to woo; to approach defiantly
ideally; if one were to wish for more
prank; practical joke
carrying out one's words; being as good as one's word; making good on one's promise
lame excuse; poor excuse
mantra; Shingon sect (of Buddhism)
that's not a nice thing to say; that's not a nice way of putting it; there was no need to say that
big talk; boasting; bragging
soliloquy; monologue; speaking to oneself
talking in delirium; incoherent muttering
in plain words; in plain terms; put simply
lack of words; being tongue-tied; suppressing what you want to say
the point of ...; the place where ...; a place called ...; places known as ...; I would say ...; ... is how I'd put it
(good) advice
grumbling; muttering; nonsense
indescribable; exquisite; inexpressible; indefinable
I'm telling you this for your own good; here's some friendly advice
skillful words; deceitful words; glibness
to start to say; to attempt to say; to be about to say; to speak to; to address
to be unreasonable; to whine; to act like a baby
not worth mentioning (with neg. verb); nothing special
groundless rumor (rumour)
as everyone knows; needless to point out
(one's) speech; expression of views; discussion
to say something additional; to add (to what was said before)
chief councillor of state; chief councilor of state; large-grained variety of adzuki bean
password; watchword; motto; slogan
Word of God; God's Word; sword of the Spirit; Logos (i.e. the Trinity incarnate in Jesus Christ)
to choke up; to be speechless; to hold one's tongue
to ask for too much; to expect too much
declaration; statement; assertion
problematical statement; controversial statement
let's not say (such things) to each other
(arch.) word; waka (classic Japanese poem, esp. a tanka)
to spread (e.g. a rumor); to circulate; to disseminate
(your) words; what you say; what you have said; a few words (of welcome, advice, etc.)
to talk in one's sleep
to have a comeback for every remark; to be always ready with excuses; to contradict everything
remark; statement; discourse
slip of the tongue; misstatement; verbal slip-up
to argue vehemently
nonsense; silly talk; drivel; rubbish
to be unreasonable; to whine; to act like a baby
grumbling; muttering; nonsense
to find fault with other people rather than oneself; (for the pot) to call the kettle black
you could say; you might say; verging on the
three words
lovers' talk; whispered intimacies
careless remark
to make snide remarks; to put into bad mood
to assert; to declare; to list (one by one); to enumerate; to spread rumours (rumors); to go on and on (about)
false accusation; pretext; picking a quarrel; committing oneself
to find it hard to say
to tell; to (try to) persuade; to advise; to warn; to admonish; to reason
saying in other words; putting (something) another way
big talk; braggadocio
slip of the tongue; misstatement; verbal slip-up
(verbal) message; sending word; (arch.) excuse; (arch.) pretext
favorite phrase; favourite phrase; byword; something one always talks about
what is called; what they call; so-called
number of words; vocality
brief remark; few words; one side (e.g. of an argument); ex-parte statement
to say too much; to go too far
spell; curse; incantation
to be beaten hollow; to be argued into silence
medium-ranked councillor in the Department of State
nothing one can say (e.g. about something perfect); not a thing one can complain about; better than one could hope for
keeping silent; saying nothing at all
if I'm forced to say something; if anything; if I must say; if I must choose
to stop in the middle of a sentence
private opinion; personal view; personal opinion
to say it out loud; to yell out; to emphasize
to tell (to do); to order; to tell on (someone); to tattle; to often say
telling; stating
to talk to oneself; to mutter
declaration of a state of emergency
first person to say something; first person to suggest something
no matter what anyone says; regardless of what is said
to talk volubly
tedious talk; repetition; complaint; tongue-twister
indescribable; having no way to express
to express in a refined fashion; to weave a web of words
don't finish what you're saying; stop what you're saying
when it comes to the cause; when you get right down to it; as for what started it; as for the reason; originally
to be ordered (to do)
don't finish what you're saying; stop what you're saying
witness stand; witness box
talking to oneself
smooth words make smooth ways; it's not what you say, it's how you say it
declaration of a state of emergency
to tell (to do); to order; to tell on (someone); to tattle; to often say
to explain away (a mistake, failure, etc.); to make excuses for; to gloss over; to talk one's way out of
to tell all; to give a full account
if anything; if pushed I'd say; if I had to say
if anything; if pushed I'd say; if I had to say
Chinese whispers; telephone (game)
that is to say; so that means
to be at a loss for words
to congratulate; to wish (someone) well; to celebrate
abusive language; foul language
goes without saying; needless to say; obvious
it is certain true that ... (but); you can't argue that it's not ... (but)
speech and behaviour (behavior)
to correct oneself; to restate
excuse; explanation
wise saying; maxim
(oral) message; declaration; hearsay; rumour; rumor
order; command; directions; instructions
speech; expression; wording; language
to say time and time again; to say till you're blue in the face
all kinds of malicious gossip; heaping verbal abuse (on); cursing and swearing (words)
free speech; freedom of speech
to speak as though something were actually the case; to smooth over; to give the impression that; to make it sound that
indescribable; exquisite; inexpressible; indefinable
seeming to want to say something; looking like one wants to give one's opinion
wise saying
to be ordered (to do)
to startle; to surprise; to astonish; (lit.) to make (someone) say "oh!"
declaration of independence
boasting; bragging; talking big
scolding; telling-off; rebuke; complaint; grumbling; fault-finding
(any) particular; special; particularly noteworthy; worth mentioning
to insist; to assert; to be obstinate in saying
this is why; this means; it is the case that
some things are better left unsaid; silence is golden
(linguistic) competence; language capability
would be a waste of words; would be a waste of breath; there's no point in saying
straight talk; plain speaking; speaking frankly
in a word; to put it briefly; to make a long story short
a blink of time; (lit.) the time it takes to say "Ah!"
silent phone call (form of harassment)
men's language; male language
to be beyond words; to defy description
proverb; maxim; aphorism; Proverbs (book of the Bible)
false charge; slander; defamation
false rumour (rumor); groundless rumour; canard
words of praise; eulogy; compliment
smooth words make smooth ways; it's not what you say, it's how you say it
a man's word is his bond; a man does not go back on what he's said
language; speech
to watch what one says; to mind one's language
women's language; word used by women
look who's talking; you're one to talk; you can talk
the point of ...; the place where ...; a place called ...; places known as ...; I would say ...; ... is how I'd put it
don't talk nonsense; (lit.) sleep talk after you go to sleep
what is called; as it is called; the so-called; known as; so to speak
oath; vow; attestation; solemn pledge
simply put; putting it simply
to say things to ease one's mind
spoken language; colloquial expression
to have a chat with; to exchange words or promises; to promise; to get engaged
I'd be lying if I said ...
to break off (mid-sentence); to stop (saying)
obviously; as we all know; needless to say; of course; it goes without saying
to put it in an extreme way; to put it in extreme terms
just as one was told; like she (he) said
at the critical moment; when the time comes; when it's most important; when necessary; in an emergency; when push comes to shove
manner of speaking; mode of expression; way of saying something; at the same time as speaking; as one speaks
putting in other words
to go straight to the point; to cut it short
adviser; advisor; counsellor; counselor
Shingon sect (of Buddhism)
being frank; going so far as to say
I can say now (what I couldn't before); now (that things have changed) I don't mind telling you; I couldn't tell you until now; I couldn't have told you this back then
something like ...; something called ...
remarks; comments; way of talking; speaking style; excuse; topic (of conversation)
as if to say; as much as to say; as though
prophetic writing (e.g. Biblical); written prophecy
to express (in words); to confess
to speak with restraint; to understate; to downplay; to put it mildly; to say the least
unable to find the words to thank someone; unable to thank someone enough
I can't find the words to thank you; I can never thank you enough
subtext; implication; connotation; implicit meaning; between the lines
to assert; to declare; to list (one by one); to enumerate; to spread rumours (rumors); to go on and on (about)
without saying a word
baby talk; baby language; babbling
to talk nonsense
to be unreasonable; to whine; to act like a baby
on the least pretext; at the drop of a hat
inflammatory words
to advise strongly; to insist (on something)
to begin to say; to start talking; to broach (a matter); to be the first to say; to suggest (doing); to propose
falsehood; lie
to deceive (with words); to cajole; to talk into; to explain away (e.g. unpleasant evidence); to argue away; to wheedle
programming language; programing language
(I am) not sure; (I) can't say which
smooth words make smooth ways; it's not what you say, it's how you say it
to express in a roundabout way
replying; reply
offering an opinion (to a superior, the government, etc.); proposal; suggestion; advice
language area of the cortex; speech centre (center)
assertion; confirmation
because; the reason why is
while looking on in blank amazement; before one's very eyes; before one knew what was happening
to talk to oneself; to mutter
discriminatory remark; hate speech
language center (brain); language centre
it is not possible (to, that); there is no such thing as
to hesitate to say
not one to talk; who are you to say; look who's talking
one can say more with a look than with ten thousand words; the eyes cannot belie one's true thoughts; the eyes are the windows to the soul; eyes are as eloquent as the tongue
a single word; (not even) a word; (not even) a syllable
uncomplimentary remarks; slander
to explain away; to answer evasively
restating; restatement
to say in other words; to put another way; to express in different words; to reword; to rephrase
to pounce on someone's words; to cavil at someone's words; to trip someone up with their own words
having no hesitation in stating; having no hesitation in declaring
to be unreasonable; to whine; to act like a baby
to tell a person (something) emphatically; to let a person have it
(verbal) message; sending word; (arch.) excuse; (arch.) pretext
I'm not so sure; I can hardly say with any finality that ...
talking in delirium; incoherent muttering
to find fault with other people rather than oneself; (for the pot) to call the kettle black
stop talking nonsense; don't be ridiculous; give me a break
false rumour (rumor); groundless rumour; canard
I'm telling you this for your own good; here's some friendly advice
perfectly fitting phrase
regulation of freedom of speech
speech impediment; speech disorder
supporting, but indispensable role; major supporting role
to accuse someone falsely; to make a false charge
as if it weren't already enough
(verbal) abuse; abusive language
talkativeness; verbosity; garrulity
to accuse someone falsely; to make a false charge
on the least pretext; at the drop of a hat
the reason is ...; it is because ...
affirmation; declaration; assertion; end of sentence
astonished beyond words; speechless out of shock
because; the reason why is
admonition; remonstrance; expostulation
action before words; work before talk
Potsdam Declaration (July 26, 1945 statement establishing the terms of a Japanese surrender)
remarks; comments; way of talking; speaking style; excuse; topic (of conversation)
boasting; bragging; talking big
beyond expression; unspeakable; inexpressible; indescribable
tedious talk; repetition; complaint; tongue-twister
generally speaking; in a broad way
he said, she said
to be unreasonable; to whine; to act like a baby
(a few) words; phrase; expression
words used by young people; slang
to lose a quarrel; to lose an argument; to be talked down
at a loss for words; stumped for words
to equivocate; to beat around the bush
saying something many times
one's say; one's point; complaint; grievance; objection
after all is said and done; no matter what people say; in the end; definitely; undeniably
scolding; faultfinding
written word; written language
(oral) message; declaration; hearsay; rumour; rumor
lesser councilor of state; lesser councillor of state; minor councilor; minor councillor
what more can one say?; utterly at a loss for words (because of disbelief or disgust)
manner of speaking; manner of expression
foreword; preface
meaningless words; words that make no sense
saying nothing; understanding tacitly; without putting into words
common saying; slang; argot
opening words; speaking out
soliloquy; monologue; speaking to oneself
sociolect emphasizing the femininity of the speaker (esp. used by homosexual men)
no matter what; whatever you say; in the end
collection of (famous) quotes; collection of sayings; analects
the spoken words of the emperor or a noble
sentence; judgment; judgement; pronouncement; order; command
to spread (a report)
just like that; in the twinkling of an eye; in the blink of an eye; (lit.) in the time it takes to say "ah!"
saying in addition; postscript; additional remarks
to ask for too much; to expect too much
astonished beyond words; speechless out of shock
to speak one's mind; to speak very frankly
unification of the written and spoken forms of a language
(one) could even say that
comment; critical remark
an excuse; however; nonetheless
mime; dumb show; silent drama; pantomime
it's easier said than done; (lit.) saying is easy; doing is hard
speechless (with amazement); struck dumb; tongue-tied; dumbfounded
to be ordered (to do)
to agree in advance
declaration; proclamation; mention
(written) declaration
to speak ill of; to speak very disparagingly about; to speak very harshly about
don't talk nonsense; (lit.) sleep talk after you go to sleep
word ending; way of ending one's words; slip of the tongue; verbal mistake
to be entrusted with; to be asked to
Declaration of the Rights of Man (during the French Revolution; 1789)
to express (in words); to confess
to make snide remarks; to put into bad mood
what the hell are you saying?
offering an opinion (to a superior, the government, etc.); proposal; suggestion; advice
Kyoto dialect; Kyoto accent
foolish talk; nonsense; gibberish
to wheeze; to breathe with difficulty; to gasp
on the strength of numbers
to speak from memory
to pounce on someone's words; to cavil at someone's words; to trip someone up with their own words
reticence; taciturnity
meaningless or stupid turn of phrase that at first glance resembles a wise saying; silly saying; nonsensical proverb
inconsistency between one's words and actions; insincerity; saying one thing and doing another
opening declaration; profession; declaration in public; proclamation
to persist in saying
mysterious power of words to alter reality
tongues (i.e. utterances or "languages" spoken during instances of glossolalia)
noh farce; noh interlude
saying in addition; postscript; additional remarks
foreword; preface; introduction
excuse; explanation
summary; contraction; verbal agreement
at a loss for words; stumped for words
to have someone send (a message, parcel, etc.); to send (via someone else); to leave (a message) with someone; (arch.) to use as an excuse; (arch.) to make a pretext of
nothing one can say (e.g. about something perfect); not a thing one can complain about; better than one could hope for
to wheeze; to breathe with difficulty; to gasp
I'm not so sure; I can hardly say with any finality that ...
word of Japanese origin; native Japanese word
local dialect; vernacular; provincialism
evasion; an excuse
to choke up; to be speechless; to hold one's tongue
record of a person's words and deeds
to refer to; to mention (e.g. theme)
to argue down
provincial dialect; rural dialect
in brief; to put it succinctly
suppression of speech; suppression of dissent; censorship
verbal expression
philosophy of language
faked suicide; sham suicide; pseudocide
pettifogging lawyer; unscrupulous or unethical lawyer; shyster; casuist; sophist
uninflected word
what the hell are you saying?
taboo word; euphemism (used in place of a taboo word)
the press; journalism; fourth estate
if you ask me ...; as for ...
to tell all; to give a full account
to say repeatedly; to say proverbially
to wheeze; to breathe with difficulty; to gasp
to send word
to spread word of; to trumpet; to bruit
to add (to what was said before); to say in addition
kyogen performer; low-ranked house playwright (of kabuki)
house playwright (of kabuki)
to declare; to speak out; to warn; to spit out (words)
needless to say; it goes without saying that
seeming to want to say something; looking like one wants to give one's opinion
foreword; preface; prefatory note
old saying; old expression; old language; ancient language; archaic word
dropping the "ra" in the potential form of verbs formed with "-rareru"
something that goes without saying; something that needn't be said; something that should rather be left unsaid
to explain in an easy-to-understand manner
Yours Sincerely ...
nothing one can say (e.g. about something perfect); not a thing one can complain about; better than one could hope for
what the hell are you saying?
to say time and time again; to say till you're blue in the face
ascetic practice of silence
to have someone send (a message, parcel, etc.); to send (via someone else); to leave (a message) with someone; (arch.) to use as an excuse; (arch.) to make a pretext of
to say as a tradition; to customarily say; to have a habit of saying
to say incorrectly; to use the wrong words; to make a slip of the tongue; to forget to say; to miss one's chance to say
acting up to one's words; consistency between speech and action
speechless (with amazement); struck dumb; tongue-tied; dumbfounded
(any) particular; special; particularly noteworthy; worth mentioning
declarative statement
Word of God; God's Word; sword of the Spirit; Logos (i.e. the Trinity incarnate in Jesus Christ)
kyogen interlude; short scene during a noh play, performed by a kyogen actor (usu. explaining the play)
obviously; as we all know; needless to say; of course; it goes without saying
somehow; for some reason or other
large number of words; (lit.) sea of words
that is to say; so that means
imperial words
to transmit by word of mouth
skillful words; deceitful words; glibness
admonitory speech; words of admonition
to find it hard to say
to pounce on someone's words; to cavil at someone's words; to trip someone up with their own words
C programming language
speech; expression; wording; language
a great many words; huge number of words
it's tactless to state the obvious; that's best left unsaid
colloquial language
another language; different languages
few words; single phrase
to complain; to express one's dissatisfaction
to talk down; to argue down
a man's word is his bond; a man does not go back on what he's said
grudge; complaint; reproach
that's not a nice thing to say; that's not a nice way of putting it; there was no need to say that
let's put formalities aside; let's not speak so stiffly
to have a chat with; to exchange words or promises; to promise; to get engaged
to break off (mid-sentence); to stop (saying)
remarks; comments; way of talking; speaking style; excuse; topic (of conversation)
Very truly yours (a complimentary close used in a letter written in an old epistolary style)
tradition; legend
Declaration of Humanity (wherein Hirohito renounced the imperial claim to divinity; January 1, 1946)
God's word; word of God
eat one's words; break one's promises
organ of public opinion
goes without saying; needless to say; obvious
declinable word; inflectable word
quick to take a hint; very responsive; quick on the uptake
stinging (barbed) words; harsh language
to have a chat with; to exchange words or promises; to promise; to get engaged
grudge; complaint; reproach
poem of four lines, each of five (Chinese) characters
ending a sentence with a noun or noun phrase
linguistic activity; language (as defined by Saussure; langue and parole)
word-hunting; search for and censorship of politically incorrect words
let's not say (such things) to each other
outrageous; preposterous; scandalous; inexcusable; absurd; execrable
to send a message; to write to
working-class accent or dialect
expression of one's views
pleonasm; redundancy; tautology; kanji compound in which the same character is repeated
generally speaking; all in all; in general
excuse; explanation; justification; vindication
to wheeze; to breathe with difficulty; to gasp
one can say more with a look than with ten thousand words; the eyes cannot belie one's true thoughts; the eyes are the windows to the soul; eyes are as eloquent as the tongue
ideally; if one were to wish for more
poem of four lines, each of seven (Chinese) characters
to pass the time talking
advocacy; pleading by proxy; speaking for another; attorney
every single word and phrase; each and every word
see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil; the three wise monkeys
urging; persuasion; declaration
to forget to mention; to leave unspoken; to let slip a secret
to speak from memory
lots of words
pillow word; decorative word used prefixally in classical Japanese literature; preface; introduction
how; in what way; in what manner
astonished beyond words; speechless out of shock
knowledge of language
word said backwards; word of opposite meaning
linguistic aspects of life; linguistic behaviour
needless to say; it goes without saying that
December kabuki performance at Kyoto's Minamiza Theater in which all famous actors perform
performance of an entire play
doing as one is told; yes-man
taboo word; euphemism (used in place of a taboo word)
to say to each other; to exchange (jokes, comments, etc.); to quarrel; to dispute
somehow; for some reason or other
corpus; linguistic data; text corpus
responsibility for one's words
common saying; slang; argot
every word and act; just a word or an act
unable to find the words to thank someone; unable to thank someone enough
idiom; set phrase; habit of speech; saying
Chinese poem with seven characters per line
false accusation; pretext; picking a quarrel; committing oneself
calumny; slander; false charge
to be able to be expressed in words; to be sayable
to insult someone behind their back
person who is ready to comment on every subject; ready critic
nothing one can say (e.g. about something perfect); not a thing one can complain about; better than one could hope for
summary; summarization; general remarks; abstract; epitome
official warning (esp. of an impending earthquake)
farce; burlesque; low comedy
quarrel; dispute
to hurl abuse (at); to use abusive language
two words; repetition
artificial language (e.g. Esperanto); constructed language; conlang; language for defining structures, logic, etc. (e.g. XML, HTML, etc.)
pretext; excuse; plea; message (esp. oral)
quick to take a hint; very responsive; quick on the uptake
faith in the power of language; belief that reality is affected by the spoken word; speaking of a lucky (or unlucky) event will bring it about
halting English; broken English
to say by mistake; to make a slip of the tongue
to argue down; to confute
to start to say; to attempt to say; to be about to say; to speak to; to address
local amateur theatrical performance (esp. popular in late Edo and early Meiji)
kabuki play; kabuki drama; kabuki script
buzzword; popular expression; vogue word or phrase
worth mentioning
written language; literary language
to correct oneself
a blink of time; (lit.) the time it takes to say "Ah!"
cutting remark; biting (scathing, bitter) criticism; harsh words
ominous word; ill-omened word; misfortune
simplified language
(not even) a few words
to wheeze; to breathe with difficulty; to gasp
executor (of a will); testamentary executor
figuratively speaking; metaphorically speaking; so to speak; to use a figure of speech
brief statement; summary
sentence; judgment; judgement; pronouncement; order; command
detailed explanation
nonsense; silly talk; drivel; rubbish
pithy or short and witty remark; wisecrack
goes without saying; needless to say; obvious
to omit to say; to forget to mention; to leave unsaid
to assert; to declare; to list (one by one); to enumerate; to spread rumours (rumors); to go on and on (about)
to omit to say; to forget to mention; to leave unsaid
dire prophecy that creates confusion
to wheeze; to breathe with difficulty; to gasp
to spread (e.g. a rumour); to talk about (widely); to make fun of; to sing the praises of; to praise to the skies
polite language used by women
linguistics; philology
secret language of court ladies (Muromachi period)
to explain clearly; to give detailed instructions
like sweat cannot return inside the body, the word of an emperor cannot be unsaid
completely submissive to another person
impromptu skit; (theatrical) farce; extravaganza
to quarrel; to dispute
non-standard pronunciation; dialect; mistaken rumor; baseless gossip
Chinese poem with five characters per line
say-not monkey (one of the three wise monkeys)
by all rights; legally speaking; properly speaking
command language; control language
spoken language; spoken words; language
figure of speech
joke; jest
words; speech; expression
briefly; in short; in a nutshell; in summary; to put it briefly
verbosity; redundancy
indescribable; exquisite; inexpressible; indefinable
figuratively speaking; metaphorically speaking; so to speak; to use a figure of speech
type of theater which combines elements of noh, kyogen, and kabuki with dances and popular songs (theatre)
God's word; word of God
hypothetical imperative
vernacular; local dialect
four-letter word (esp. in English)
linguistic psychology; psycholinguistics (esp. from a psychological standpoint)
to stop in the middle of a sentence
to leave word; to leave a message
to agree in advance
such; this sort of; like this
to have an excuse
to justify; to explain; to vindicate
to talk back; to answer back; to retort; to say over; to repeat (what one has said)
sociolect emphasizing the femininity of the speaker (esp. used by homosexual men)
be careful what you say; consider your words
to say by mistake; to make a slip of the tongue
to say all kinds of things; to complain; to find fault (with)
to go without saying
multilingualization; multilingualisation; localization; localisation
goes without saying; needn't be said; should rather be left unsaid
(doing) as one is told
to suppress the freedom of speech
to announce; to tell; to sentence; to order
to tell; to (try to) persuade; to advise; to warn; to admonish; to reason
dialect; language of the common people; colloquial language; slang
selfish words; speaking selfishly
local dialect; vernacular; provincialism; national language
always contradicting what other people say
to declare; to assert; to state definitively; to finish saying; to say it all; to finish one's sentence
to forget to mention; to leave unspoken; to let slip a secret
slip of the tongue; misstatement
dialect; language of the common people; colloquial language; slang
Acts of the Apostles (book of the Bible)
secret language; argot
to hand down (a story, legend, etc.); to pass on (to the next generation); to spread (a rumor, news, etc.); to circulate; to send word; to pass on (a message)
verbal behaviour; language behaviour
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
bombshell announcement (declaration)
(logical) disjunction
to insist; to assert; to be obstinate in saying
word of Japanese origin; native Japanese word
a quarrel; argument
lack of words; being tongue-tied; suppressing what you want to say
to indicate with the eyes; to give a significant look
to say incorrectly; to use the wrong words; to make a slip of the tongue; to forget to say; to miss one's chance to say
to spread (e.g. a rumour); to talk about (widely); to make fun of; to sing the praises of; to praise to the skies
global language; world language; languages of the world; world languages
meaningless words added a song for rhythmical effect; words or utterances added to modulate the cadence of a song
scolding; telling-off; rebuke; lecture
mainland dialects (of Japanese, as opposed to the Ryukyu languages)
if we put this another way; in other words; put differently
to leave word with (a person); to state in one's will; to leave (something) unsaid; to forget to mention
false accusation; pretext; picking a quarrel; committing oneself
to declare; to assert; to say bluntly; to say straight out
to talk or say too much; to go too far; to overstate; to exaggerate
language construct; entity
somehow; how; in what way; why; what kind of
to explain away; to answer evasively
elegant words; refined diction
congratulatory words; prayer for happiness
an excuse; however; nonetheless
deposition; record of testimony
obviously; as we all know; needless to say; of course; it goes without saying
to verbally attack (violently); to run down; to criticize severely; to criticise severely
bureaucratic jargon; officialese; gobbledygook
In the beginning was the Word
other words
natural language processing; NLP
filler word; filler phrase
evasion; excuse; subterfuge; runaround
such; like that; that sort of; very
astonished beyond words; speechless out of shock
to make a pun on a word
manner of speaking; mode of expression; way of saying something; at the same time as speaking; as one speaks
discourse; expression of thoughts, ideas, etc.
be careful what you say; consider your words
to argue vehemently
dialect continuum; dialect chain
because; the reason why is
(linguistic) performance
to say something additional; to add (to what was said before)
putting in other words
though; although; be that as it may; nonetheless
manner of speaking; manner of expression
kakekotoba; pivot word; play on words (esp. in poetry); pun
excuse; explanation
stop talking nonsense; don't be ridiculous; give me a break
to say enough (as much as required); to say plenty; to say well; to say cleverly; to say often; to say frequently
spoken language; colloquial expression
good words and good deeds
to send word
poem of eight lines, each of five (Chinese) characters
to speak as though something were actually the case; to smooth over; to give the impression that; to make it sound that
to tell the truth; in actuality; in reality
to send word
monolingual; homogeneous (language)
a samurai never goes back on his word
to say (something) over one's shoulder
categorical statement
to express (in words); to confess
bureaucratic jargon; officialese; gobbledygook
to make a pun on a word
indescribable; exquisite; inexpressible; indefinable
asking price
exaggeration; overstatement
to keep one's word
let's put formalities aside; let's not speak so stiffly
repetitious harping of the elderly; oft-repeated tales by old folks; tedious and repetitive talk of old people; old man's rambling
to transmit by word of mouth
not doing as one is told; disobedient; unruly
Very truly yours (a complimentary close used in a letter written in an old epistolary style)
to correct oneself; to restate
word game; wordplay; playing with words
word created by retaining the first syllable (or two) of a word and suffixing it with the word "moji"
scripting language; script language
prefatory words; epigraph
needless to say; it goes without saying that
verbal message; word (from someone); rumour; rumor
to find it hard to say
to say in other words; to put another way; to express in different words; to reword; to rephrase
all manner of (verbal) abuse; all kinds of names; abusive language; torrent of abuse; stream of insults
language island; speech island
excuse; explanation; justification; vindication
detailed explanation
to speak in tongues
meaningless words added a song for rhythmical effect; words or utterances added to modulate the cadence of a song
declaration of a state of emergency
to talk volubly
faith in the power of language; belief that reality is affected by the spoken word; speaking of a lucky (or unlucky) event will bring it about
heroic words; big talk; boasting; bragging; grandiloquence; rodomontade
Declaration of Independence (the document)
to argue down; to confute
repeated word or phrase; redundant wording; succession of words of similar meaning; pleonasm
coprolalia; uncontrollable use of obscene language
saying whatever one feels; speaking at random; making careless remarks; rambling talk
sa-added word (i.e. causative forms with an extra 'sa' like 'ikasaseru' for 'iku')
Okinawan (language); Okinawan dialect
foreword to a collection of poems; preface; explanatory notes; captions
basic multi-lingual plane; BMP
to hesitate to say
activist shareholder; outspoken shareholder
warming words; kind words
Kogi Shingon ("Old Shingon" school of Buddhism)
promise; prediction
sociolect emphasizing the femininity of the speaker (esp. used by homosexual men)
sociolect; social dialect
like sweat cannot return inside the body, the word of an emperor cannot be unsaid
allegory; fable
something that goes without saying; something that needn't be said; something that should rather be left unsaid
first person to say something; first person to suggest something
discrete kyogen (performed between two noh plays)
opening declaration; profession; declaration in public; proclamation
frequently uttering obscene words or socially inappropriate remarks
buzzword; popular expression; vogue word or phrase
new dialect; new regional dialect
opening words; speaking out
worth mentioning
false report; lie
expression; phraseology
to tell all; to give a full account
the refined speech of the uptown residents of Tokyo
rambling talk
fabrication; pipe dream
kanji "word" radical at left
Shingi Shingon ("New Shingon" school of Buddhism)
supporting, but indispensable role; major supporting role
impromptu skit; (theatrical) farce; extravaganza
to court; to woo; to approach defiantly
a promise or pledge
golden (wise) saying; aphorism; maxim
chatter; useless words
what the hell are you saying?
summary; wrap-up
to be evasive; to be not entirely truthful; to not be frank
see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil; the three wise monkeys
good advice is harsh to the ear
to indicate with the eyes; to give a significant look
to flatter; to boot-lick; to curry favour (favor)
exaggeration; overstatement
island language; island dialect
dialectal kanji; kanji only used in a specific region
to communicate with a look; (lit.) to talk with one's eyes
warning message; warning label
polite language used by women
to say incorrectly; to use the wrong words; to make a slip of the tongue; to forget to say; to miss one's chance to say
straight shooter; frank person; person who tells it like it is
Page Description Language; PDL
filled pause (e.g. um, er); filler word
lie; fabrication
honeyed words; flattery
near-extinct language; seriously endangered language
samurai words and phrases
nonsense; gibberish; meaningless word
falsehood; lie
imperial decree; imperial edict
groundless rumor; groundless rumour
those who resort to blandishments and fawning smiles are apt to lack compassion
intermediate language; interlanguage
to give an evasive answer
way of saying (something); way of putting it; wording; phrasing; language; expression
even if I told you
hard to say; inexpressible; hesitant to say; embarrassing; delicate
to say in other words; to put another way; to express in different words; to reword; to rephrase
indescribable; having no way to express
nonsense; silly talk; drivel; rubbish
words of praise; eulogy; compliment
order; command; directions; instructions
false accusation; pretext; picking a quarrel; committing oneself
to spread (e.g. a rumor); to circulate; to disseminate
to forget to say; to forget to mention
to finish speaking
to guess right
not worth mentioning (with neg. verb); nothing special
difficult to speak about
evasion; excuse; subterfuge; runaround
outrageous; preposterous; scandalous; inexcusable; absurd; execrable
to raise objections; to complain; (to have the right) to say anything
doing as one is told; yes-man
to speak with restraint; to understate; to downplay; to put it mildly; to say the least
to speak with restraint; to understate; to downplay; to put it mildly; to say the least
first person to say something; first person to suggest something
first person to say something; first person to suggest something
first person to say something; first person to suggest something
to talk (a person) down; to confute
to explain away (a mistake, failure, etc.); to make excuses for; to gloss over; to talk one's way out of
dictionary; lexicon
word ending; way of ending one's words; slip of the tongue; verbal mistake
indescribable; inexpressible
to tell; to (try to) persuade; to advise; to warn; to admonish; to reason
to explain away; to talk one's way out of; to excuse oneself; to evade
mantra; Shingon sect (of Buddhism)
to stop in the middle of a sentence
to talk volubly
to speak as though something were actually the case; to smooth over; to give the impression that; to make it sound that
fabrication; lie; fiction
to have a chat with; to exchange words or promises; to promise; to get engaged
to break off (mid-sentence); to stop (saying)
if you ask me ...; as for ...
obviously; as we all know; needless to say; of course; it goes without saying
putting in other words
putting in other words
to express in a roundabout way
replying; reply
to hesitate to say
restating; restatement
affirmation; declaration; assertion; end of sentence
to lose a quarrel; to lose an argument; to be talked down
manner of speaking; manner of expression
to spread (a report)
to speak ill of; to speak very disparagingly about; to speak very harshly about
declaration; proclamation; mention
to persist in saying
(at the) last moment; (in the) nick of time
evasion; an excuse
local dialect; vernacular; provincialism
to refer to; to mention (e.g. theme)
to argue down
to say repeatedly; to say proverbially
to say as a tradition; to customarily say; to have a habit of saying
to spread word of; to trumpet; to bruit
to explain in an easy-to-understand manner
to talk down; to argue down
to talk down; to argue down
to talk down; to argue down
if we put this another way; in other words; put differently
to pass the time talking
stinging (barbed) words; harsh language
to spread (e.g. a rumour); to talk about (widely); to make fun of; to sing the praises of; to praise to the skies
let's put formalities aside; let's not speak so stiffly
to go without saying
to omit to say; to forget to mention; to leave unsaid
to send a message; to write to
ending a sentence with a noun or noun phrase
every single word and phrase; each and every word
doing as one is told; yes-man
doing as one is told; yes-man
slip of the tongue; misstatement
to correct oneself
idiom; set phrase; habit of speech; saying
to say by mistake; to make a slip of the tongue
be careful what you say; consider your words
chatter; idle talk
chatter; idle talk
joke; jest
completely submissive to another person
to justify; to explain; to vindicate
to verbally attack (violently); to run down; to criticize severely; to criticise severely
to say by mistake; to make a slip of the tongue
to tell the truth; in actuality; in reality
Very truly yours (a complimentary close used in a letter written in an old epistolary style)
congratulatory words; prayer for happiness
congratulatory words; prayer for happiness
exaggeration; overstatement
filler word; filler phrase
malicious gossip; backbiting; speaking ill behind somebody's back
not doing as one is told; disobedient; unruly
those who resort to blandishments and fawning smiles are apt to lack compassion
those who resort to blandishments and fawning smiles are apt to lack compassion
countryside dialect; sociolect or secret language used by prostitutes in red-light districts during the Edo period
repeated word or phrase; redundant wording; succession of words of similar meaning; pleonasm
sa-added word (i.e. causative forms with an extra 'sa' like 'ikasaseru' for 'iku')
promise; prediction
promise; prediction
speech is silver, silence is golden
speech is silver, silence is golden
to express properly; to explain well
to express properly; to explain well
first person to say something; first person to suggest something
first person to say something; first person to suggest something
first person to say something; first person to suggest something
It is hard to explain; It is hard to say
good words; wise saying
good words; wise saying
flowery words
in other words; that is (to say); to put it another way
sweet words only please a fool; flattery works on puppets and fools
sharp parting remark
last piece in a kabuki programme
last piece in a kabuki programme
multilingual; in many languages
always saying the wrong thing
vulgar expression; vulgarism; slang expression
vulgar expression; vulgarism; slang expression
unreasonable talk
preface; foreword
words used when miserable or anxious; words used to decline or refuse something; words used when making an appeal
words used when miserable or anxious; words used to decline or refuse something; words used when making an appeal
keeping one's word
mixture of correct and broken speech
Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm, 1972)
linguistic geography
upcoming program; upcoming programme
upcoming program; upcoming programme
upcoming program; upcoming programme
roundabout explanation; one's words; one's speaking
wild rumor; wild rumour
to do sweet-talk
to do sweet-talk
to talk or say too much; to go too far; to overstate; to exaggerate
to talk or say too much; to go too far; to overstate; to exaggerate
stinging words; biting remarks
Bantu language (of the Bantu language family)
good advice is harsh to the ears; honest advice is often unpleasant to the ears
pretending to obey someone to his face but badmouthing him behind his back
kindly excuse my reckless remarks; please excuse my thoughtless words
every single word and phrase; each and every word
speech and behavior; words and deeds
inconsistency of speech and action; failing to act up to one's words; not practicing what one preaches
poem of eight lines, each of seven (Chinese) characters
speak and write plainly (frankly); speak and write without reserve
rambling talk; vague remarks
as for ...; when it comes to ...; regarding ...
speech-impaired person; person with a speech impediment; mute
it is needless to say
it is needless to say
words and deeds of the people of yore
sociolect or secret language used by prostitutes in red-light districts (Edo period); vulgar words used by prostitutes (Edo period)
sociolect or secret language used by prostitutes in red-light districts (Edo period); vulgar words used by prostitutes (Edo period)
paralanguage (nonlexical component of communication)
Japanese (language)
secondary substantive (inflectable word or phrase that acts as an uninflectable within a sentence)
exaggeration; making a mountain out of a molehill
be that as it may
unspeakable; indescribable; inexpressible
You can say that again; Nice one
secret will and testament; sealed envelope will
Ecclesiastes (book of the Bible); (lit.) words of Qohelet
written language; literary language
categorical judgment (judgement)
hypothetical judgment (judgement)
disjunctive judgment (judgement)
plain form (of waka)
plain form (of waka)
plain speech; direct speech
plain speech; direct speech
plain speech; direct speech
theory of linguistic relativity
target language; object language
see Nikko and die; (lit.) don't say "wonderful" until you've seen Nikko
mountain language (euphemisms used by hunters, etc. when in the wild)
Imperial Declaration of Humanity (renunciation of imperial claim to divinity; January 1, 1946)
Computer Mediated Communication; CMC
Data Description Language; DDL
Data Manipulation Language; DML
Data Definition Language; DDL
protocol implementation conformance statement; PICS
markup declaration
type declaration statement
command language; control language
attribute (definition) list declaration
fourth generation language; 4GL
fourth generation language; 4GL
logic programming language
needless to say
a man of virtue will naturally attract admirers; good wine speaks for itself
a man of virtue will naturally attract admirers; good wine speaks for itself
a man of virtue will naturally attract admirers; good wine speaks for itself
harsh words make the going rough; consider your words; people may be offended (or not) by the way you speak
harsh words make the going rough; consider your words; people may be offended (or not) by the way you speak
if you don't speak your mind, you'll feel uneasy afterwards
nobody knows the morrow; (lit.) speak of tomorrow and the ogres laugh
nobody knows the morrow; (lit.) speak of next year and the ogres laugh
language used by the harlots of the Yoshiwara red light district during the Edo period
auxiliary inflecting word; in Japanese, auxiliary verbs and adjectives
linguistic map; linguistic atlas
endangered language
ordinary language school (of analytic philosophy)
Hichiku dialect (western Kyushu)
language being translated to; target language
language being translated from; source language
dialects of Japanese spoken in Western Tottori prefecture and Eastern Shimane prefecture
language used when writing letters
seasonal word (in haiku)
theatre that uses water for tricks, etc.(during hot weather)
Shingon Shinto; any branch of Shinto based on Shingon Buddhist teachings
rude word; inappropriate word; coarse language
rude word; inappropriate word; coarse language
place on bridge passageway next to the rear of a noh stage
kyogen interlude; short scene during a noh play, performed by a kyogen actor (usu. explaining the play)
kabuki in the Kyoto-Osaka style
to speak metaphorically
to speak metaphorically
word to soften awkward topics (esp. refusal in business conversation, e.g. "I am afraid that ...")
exaggeration; saying too much; verbal slip
crying over spilt milk; complaining about things that have already happened; speaking ill behind somebody's back; malicious gossip
flirtation; seductive talk; erotic talk
saying whatever comes into one's mind
statement; order
groundless rumor (rumour); misleading rumor
message that a messenger brings back home; reply; ode in reply; return gift
snide remark; sarcasm; indirect expression; roundabout saying
news from home; letter from home
euphemisms used by superstitious sailors (e.g. calling sardines "sundries", whales "Ebisu", etc.)
word consisting of (two) repeated syllables
word consisting of (two) repeated syllables
R (programming language)
number of dialectal versions of a word
inexplicably; unexplainably
artificial intelligence language; AI language
whispering; whisper; secret talk; murmur
unable to find adequate words (e.g. to express feelings); being at a loss for words
see Nikko and die; (lit.) don't say "wonderful" until you've seen Nikko
neologism (esp. medical)
Sei Shonagon chie-no-ita; Japanese puzzle similar to tangram
to make full use of (skill, experience, authority, etc.); to take full advantage of (something); to rely on
to make full use of (skill, experience, authority, etc.); to take full advantage of (something); to rely on
slip of the tongue; verbal mistake; using the wrong words; misstatement; gaffe
slip of the tongue; verbal mistake; using the wrong words; misstatement; gaffe
slip of the tongue; verbal mistake; using the wrong words; misstatement; gaffe
honeyed words; flattery
words betray one's character
he who knows, does not speak; he who speaks, does not know; those who know do not talk; those who talk do not know
teyo-dawa speech; mid-Meiji period schoolgirl slang in which sentence-end particles "teyo" and "dawa" were used prominently
textspeak; texting language; typed language; abbreviated language and slang commonly used in text messages, email, etc.
textspeak; texting language; typed language; abbreviated language and slang commonly used in text messages, email, etc.
following someone (on social media) without writing them a message (to introduce oneself)
linguistic rights
I don't fall for flattery; (lit.) (I'm) not so stupid that being called "sensei" (makes me feel good)
one can never be completely satisfied
one can never be completely satisfied
one can never be completely satisfied
word of Japanese origin; native Japanese word; waka; classic Japanese poem
one should do more than what is literally being asked for; (lit.) when told (to bring) the chisel, (also bring) the mallet
kabuki play presented in the third month (Edo period)
stop talking nonsense; don't be ridiculous; give me a break
stop talking nonsense; don't be ridiculous; give me a break
state's evidence; crown evidence
you say tomato, I say tomato; (lit.) (your) Goethe ("Gyoete") is whom I call Goethe ("Gēte")
adding a superfluous "re" to the potential form of a godan verb
tone language; tonal language
tone language; tonal language
mother tongue (from the island where one was raised); Okinawan neologism (developed by the language revival movement)
Examples (200 in total)
I said that.
That's all I want to say.
Is that all you want to say?