FrequencyTop 1000-1100
Kyōiku (5th grade) 
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel 6
Old form
Composed of
tiny hairs
roof without a chimney
Used in vocabulary (255 in total)
management; administration; operation; running (business); conducting
business; trade; operations; sales
management; administration; operation
Examples (98 in total)
The hotel is run by his uncle.
That company is managed by my older brother.
His parents ran a hotel.
His son took on the management of the factory.
He runs a lot of hotels.
He hopes to run a company in the future.
My father manages the store.
He managed the company while his father was ill.
This hospital is run by the city.
The factory is run on a large scale.
His father administers some companies.
He runs a supermarket in the town.
This factory also operates at night.
I talked with our sales people.
Business has finished for today.
How many years have you been selling cars?
A new principal is administering the school.
Is this store open on Sundays?
The supermarket is open all days except Sunday.
My father runs a restaurant.
He has taken charge of his father's company.
He has enough ability to manage a business.
He has the ability to manage a business.
He has managerial talent.
Few governments can manage the economy successfully.
The cost of operating schools continued to rise.
They run the university with a view to making a lot of money.
The world is split into two camps.
If it were not for your help, I could not run this store.
That company is managed by a foreigner.
My uncle runs a hotel.
I am a member of the sales department.
My father manages a store.
We run the store jointly.
Are banks open on Monday?
The young man manages a big department store.
He decided to stay and carry on his father's business.
He is doing business on a large scale.
He is the manager of a hotel.
The management has agreed to have talks with the workers.
Who runs the show?
That organization depends on voluntary contributions.
The farmer cultivates a variety of crops.
His acquaintance runs a general store in the countryside.
The leader should know where to set up the tent.
That ramen shop is open late at night.
His mother has been running a drugstore for fifteen years.
Tom owns a farm in Australia.
He runs a company in Meguro.
Is it open round the clock?
She runs a beauty shop.
He is the manager of the marketing department.
I'm a member of the sales department.
Who's in charge of the sales section?
My uncle manages a firm.
Mr Sato ran a supermarket in his hometown before he came to Tokyo.
Mr. Tanaka makes a living by running a small stationery shop near the station.
Tom managed a small bar near Boston for quite a long time.
He carried on business for many years.
What are the business hours?
What hours is it open?
When does the post office open?
The supermarket is open Monday through Saturday.
He runs a shoe shop.
Their father had a large shoe shop in the town.
She manages a shoe store.
Tom is a car salesman.
I'm a salesman.
The company is managed by my older brother.
We chaired the meeting democratically.
The disagreement between the union and management could lead to a strike.
A good management would listen to reasonable demands.
Does anyone in your office speak French?
They operated an oil well.
The company introduced Japanese methods into its business.
The foreign executives visited the manufacturing plant.
He has done this for profit.
The labor union is negotiating with the owners.
I majored in management at university.
I go to the city pool every day.
Mr Johnson is self-employed and is in the business of repairing furniture.
Workers pulled together and asked the management for a raise.
The management finally succumbed to the demand of the workers and gave them a raise.
We need to reorganize it in order to strengthen our business activities.
The company is in financial difficulties.
I'm a management consultant.
That flour mill is now operated as a museum.
Tom is a self-employed plumber.
Delivery will take 5 business days.
We will get back to you within 3 working days.
In tomorrow's meeting, we're planning to adopt a new marketing strategy.
My parents run a pension for skiers.
The management of a company offered a 5% pay increase to the union.
Management practices at Japanese corporations are often very different from those at foreign companies.
The video shop is open until 3 o'clock.
We need someone who has some experience in administration.
Tom runs a food bank in Boston.
Jim Waller is a strong candidate for the post of sales manager.