FrequencyTop 1500-1600
Kyōiku (4th grade) 
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel 7
Old form
Composed of
cow head
Used in vocabulary (366 in total)
salt; common salt; hardship; toil; saltiness; cold
seasoning; flavour; condition; state; (state of) health; physical condition
salty taste; saltiness
Examples (74 in total)
"Why is salt white?" "I don't know."
Would you bring me some salt?
This soup is too salty to eat.
There's too much salt in this soup.
This is not salt.
The soup needs more salt.
I sometimes put a little salt in it.
There's no more salt.
Should we add a little more salt?
Put more salt in the soup.
Add more salt to the soup.
I think the soup needs a bit of salt.
Mom, add a little more salt to the soup.
Is there any salt left?
Salt is necessary for cooking.
There is no salt left.
Did you put in any salt?
Could you please pass the salt?
He asked me to pass him the salt.
He gave me the salt.
He put salt into his cup of coffee by mistake.
If it were not for water and salt, we could not live.
Salt is necessary for a cook.
They sell sugar and salt at that store.
Your soup is sweet. Did you mix up the salt and the sugar?
In those days, sugar was less valuable than salt.
She mistook the sugar for salt.
Don't confuse sugar with salt.
The addition of salt greatly improved the flavor.
Salt is crucial for cooking.
My mother forgot to add salt to the salad.
Seawater contains salt.
Anyone can produce salt from seawater with a simple experiment.
Salt is used to season food.
Put some salt into the boiling water.
Salt prevents food from perishing.
Do you think a little salt would improve the flavor?
Salt was a rare and costly commodity in ancient times.
Salt is a useful substance.
Mary makes her bread with only three ingredients: flour, water and salt.
Tom makes his bread with only 3 ingredients: flour, water and salt.
Tom put salt in his coffee instead of sugar.
Tom mistook the sugar for salt.
I wanted some salt, but there was none in the jar.
They laid down a scheme for extracting salt from seawater.
She discovered that she had run out of salt.
She is always confusing salt with sugar.
Would you like some more salt on your popcorn?
Excuse me, could you pass me the salt and pepper?
This umeboshi tastes really salty.
This water is a little salty.
The soup in the pot tasted very salty.
We've just run out of salt and pepper.
Maintaining a high salt diet may contribute to high blood pressure.
Season with salt and pepper and add a pinch of nutmeg.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
Wit is to conversation what salt is to food.
I seasoned the fish with salt and pepper.
Add a pinch of salt.
Mix about four cups of white flour with a pinch of salt.
My mom forgot to add salt to the salad.
Add salt and baking soda to the water.
There's a chance that tap water may contain harmful substances like chlorine and lead.
This is too sweet and that is too salty.
Actually, the soup was too salty.
My mother tasted the soup and added a little more salt.
Add 3 tablespoonfuls of flour and half a teaspoonful of salt.
We season with salt.
Show me how to make 10% saline solution.
My doctor told me to cut down on salt.
This food is too salty.
The dough is made from water, flour, salt and instant yeast.
In order to make this cake you need baking powder and unsalted butter.
Feta cheese is high in salt.