stay in one place
FrequencyTop 1600-1700
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel 3
Old form
Composed of
water drops
Used in vocabulary (60 in total)
stay; sojourn
stagnation; tie-up; standstill; congestion; delay; accumulation
to stagnate; to be delayed; to be left undone; to be overdue (of a payment); to fall into arrears; to be outstanding
stagnation; hindrance; delay
congestion (e.g. traffic); delay; stagnation
staying in the air; remaining airborne
stagnation; standstill; accumulation; stay; sojourn
delay; procrastination
falling behind (with a payment); being in arrears; non-payment; default; delinquency
without delay; smoothly; without a hitch
hotel expenses; expenses incurred during a stay
stagnation; inactivity
arrears; (being) overdue; delay (e.g. in payment); procrastination
illegal residence (in a country); illegal stay; illegal overstaying (of a visa)
without delay; promptly; immediately; forthwith
illegal resident (in a country); illegal alien; illegal overstayer (person who has overstayed their visa)
traffic congestion; traffic jam; (traffic) deadlock
without delay; smoothly; without a hitch
rent arrears; falling behind on rent payment
late fee; arrears; detention charge; fine
arrears; late fee; delinquent account charge
staying in Tokyo (the capital)
place where one resides or is staying
arrhythmia; intermittent pulse
history of having stayed somewhere; travel history
arrears; late fee; delinquent account charge
congestion caused by a traffic accident
congestion; stagnation; stasis; pent-up feelings
congestion; stagnation; stasis; pent-up feelings
long-stay visitor; long-term resident
non-payer; one who doesn't pay one's bills
without delay; promptly; immediately; forthwith
accumulation of (undelivered) freight; freight congestion; accumulation of (unsold) goods; accumulation of stock; stockpile of goods
staying in Japan
taxes in arrears; delinquent tax; overdue tax
alleviation of congestion (esp. traffic)
staying in Europe
stationary weather front
staying or residing in the United States
tax arrears; failure to pay tax
staying in Britain
decline of energy and vigour (vigor)
interest in arrears
disposition for failure to pay
dependent (e.g. in a family)
delay in performance; procrastination of execution
Examples (200 in total)
"Where are you staying?" "At that hotel."
How long are you going to stay in Japan?
How long will you stay in Kyoto?