as any other
FrequencyTop 1100-1200
KankenLevel 4
Composed of
Used in kanji (5 in total)
large rock in which the gods dwell
Used in vocabulary (130 in total)
general; universal; ordinary; average; (arch.) the same; (arch.) no different
general; popular; common; typical
ordinary person; member of the general public; non-celebrity
(the) whole; as a whole; in general; at large
ordinary citizen; the general public
the world in general; society; convention
prevailing view; common opinion; general consideration
common sense; general knowledge; common knowledge
prajna (wisdom required to attain enlightenment); noh mask of a grinning, horned demoness (represents a woman's rage and jealousy); family crest designed after the Hannya noh mask; dreadful face (esp. of a woman driven mad by jealousy); terrifying facial expression
regular customer; general audience; general public
ordinary people; common folk; general masses; man in the street; populace at large
generally; in general; widely; commonly; universally
generalization; generalisation; popularization; to generalize; to generalise; to popularize
general; overall; across-the-board
opening to the public (e.g. garden, etc.); read permission: anybody
for the general public
various; several
ordinary people; general public; public at large
public highway; local street; open road; ordinary road
some time ago; the other day
clerical position (e.g. in the civil service); general office work
general admission seat
now; recently; this time
noh mask of a grinning, horned demoness (represents a woman's rage and jealousy); dreadful face (esp. of a woman driven mad by jealousy); terrifying facial expression
all; every; all kinds of
prajna-paramita (perfection of wisdom)
general accounting and finance
every martial art; all the martial arts
congratulatory visit to the Imperial Palace (for New Year and the Emperor's birthday)
sake; alcohol; liquor
referendum; popular vote; plebiscite
public highway; local street; open road; ordinary road
generally; overall; across the board; as a whole
prajna-paramita (perfection of wisdom)
general principles; broad principles
Prajnaparamita Sutra; Perfection of Wisdom Sutra
regular hospital; (medium-size) general hospital
some time ago; recently
common press; lay publication; non-specialist press; general newspaper
Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra
in general; overall; generally
popular; general (public)
transcendental appreciation
general practitioner in private practice; primary care physician (US); GP
State of the Union message
the general will; volonte generale
open tendering; open competitive bidding
Diamond Wisdom Sutra; Diamond Sutra
generic name; common name
general expression
all; every; various
general election (of all members of a local government body)
administrative cost; head office expenses; general management expenses
non-prescription drug; over-the-counter drug
generalization (psychology, linguistics, etc.)
Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra; Nirvana Sutra
Diamond Perfection of Wisdom Sutra; Diamond Sutra
general distribution (of software, e.g.)
all the worldly (mundane) matters; everything in this world
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (abolished in 1995); GATT
general government office
general expenditures; general spending
general practitioner; GP
general preferential duties; general preferential taxes
memorandum of agreement on general trade terms and conditions
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (abolished in 1995); GATT
general protection fault; GPF
domestic waste; general waste; non-industrial waste
general instrumentation
domestic waste; general waste; non-industrial waste
domestic waste; general waste; non-industrial waste
domestic waste; general waste; non-industrial waste
non-store app; smartphone app not distributed through the official smartphone stores
General Data Protection Regulation (EU, 2018); GDPR
General Data Protection Regulation (EU, 2018); GDPR
parinirvana; final release from the cycle of karma and rebirth
Examples (115 in total)
These implements are in common use.
The park was built for the benefit of the public.
The plan has been generally accepted.