FrequencyTop 2500-2600
KankenLevel Pre-2
Composed of
sign of the bird
Used in vocabulary (101 in total)
juice pressed from a bitter orange; ponzu (Japanese sauce made primarily of soy sauce and citrus juice)
sweet-and-sour pork
pickling; pickles
vinegared rice; rice prepared for sushi
vinegared dish; pickled dish
sweet vinegar
black vinegar, usu. produced from unpolished rice; charred kelp or shiitake mushrooms ground and mixed with vinegar, used to dress raw fish and vegetables
acetic acid
sour kombu prepared with black vinegar
balsamic vinegar
vinegared miso
ponzu mixed with grated daikon
mixture of soy sauce and vinegar
rice vinegar
vinegar, soy sauce and mirin (or sugar) mixed in roughly equal proportions
plum vinegar; (salted) plum juice
wood vinegar; pyroligneous acid
apple cider vinegar; cider vinegar
vinegar and soy sauce mixed in roughly equal proportions
lead acetate (i.e. plumbic acetate, plumbous acetate)
ponzu (Japanese sauce made primarily of soy sauce and citrus juice)
pickling; pickles
seasoned vinegar used for preparing sushi rice
acetobacter; acetic acid bacteria
apple cider vinegar; cider vinegar
fruit vinegar
red vinegar made from fermented sake lees; plum vinegar with perilla leaves added
creeping woodsorrel (Oxalis corniculata); family crest shaped like creeping woodsorrel
unadulterated vinegar; pure vinegar
vinegar diluted with water
sudachi (species of Japanese citrus, Citrus sudachi)
sesame vinegar
glacial acetic acid
vinegar; table vinegar
dressing (vegetables, fish, etc.) with vinegar; vegetables (or fish, etc.) dressed with vinegar
apple cider vinegar; cider vinegar
water pepper vinegar; vinegar infused and mixed with water pepper leaves, esp. served with salt-grilled sweetfish
mixture of vinegar and some other flavouring (e.g. soy sauce, sugar)
white vinegar; plum vinegar made without perilla; dressing consisting of a dashi-diluted mixture of vinegar, ground sesame, tofu, sugar and salt
(sliced and) pickled octopus
bitter orange juice (used as a food acid)
vinegar mixed with ginger juice and soy sauce, etc.
mixture of vinegar and some other flavouring (e.g. soy sauce, sugar)
salt and vinegar; (arch.) everyday food
seasoned vinegar used for preparing sushi rice
mixture of vinegar and some other flavouring (e.g. soy sauce, sugar)
Japanese plum (Prunus salicina); Chinese plum
creeping woodsorrel (Oxalis corniculata); family crest shaped like creeping woodsorrel
kabosu (type of citrus fruit) (Citrus sphaerocarpa)
Goulard's extract; subacetate of lead; vinegar of lead
vinegar used to wash or season seafood
seasoned vinegar used for preparing sushi rice
Lunella coreensis (species of turban shell)
mixture of vinegar and some other flavouring (e.g. soy sauce, sugar)
dressing (vegetables, fish, etc.) with vinegar; vegetables (or fish, etc.) dressed with vinegar
vinegar mixed with ginger juice and soy sauce, etc.
polyvinyl acetate; PVAC
calcium acetate (C4H6O4Ca)
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; EDTA
dish of simmered salmon head, soybeans, vegetables, and leftovers
dish of simmered salmon head, soybeans, vegetables, and leftovers
vinegared appetizer
vinegared miso mixed with mustard
vinegar made from sake lees
vinegar made from sake lees
vinegar made from sake lees
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; EDTA
liquid seasoning made from leaf vegetables mixed with sake, mirin, sugar, etc.
well-balanced vinegar
grated daikon mixed with flavoured vinegar
vinegar simmered with a little bit of salt
preparing food (esp. fish) by rinsing it with vinegar
citrus juice (used similarly to vinegar)
rubbing in a vinegar, etc. dressing
rubbing in a vinegar, etc. dressing
trichloroacetic acid; TCA; TCAA
vinegared water, used for dampening the hands when making sushi
plum vinegar with perilla leaves added
synthetic vinegar
peracetic acid; peroxyacetic acid
pink woodsorrel (Oxalis corymbosa)
hebesu (var. of citrus fruit from Miyazaki); hebezu
Examples (6 in total)
Please bring me vinegar and oil.
I don't like vinegar.
Vinegar has a sharp taste.