to approach; to draw near; to be imminent; to press (someone for something); to urge; to compel
to persuade; to coax; to solicit; to seduce; to make advances; to make a play
inside; interior; among; within; middle; center; during
appearing ...; looking ...; way to ...; method of; form; style
refusal; rejection; denial; veto
considerably; fairly; quite
insistent; obstinate; persistent; too rich (taste, etc.); fatty; heavy
that is so; that is right; it looks to me; people say that; it is said that; I hear that
such; that sort of; that kind of; no way!; never!
false rumor (rumour); false alarm; misinformation
rumour; rumor; report; hearsay; gossip; common talk
to calm down; to compose oneself; to calm down; to settle down; to settle down (in a location, job, etc.); to settle in; to be settled
(police) detective; criminal matter
hope; white hope; person of promise
ill will; spite; bad meaning; mala fides; bad faith; malice
space (between); gap; period of time (during, while); duration; between (two parties or things); among (a group); relations (between)
to doubt; to distrust; to be suspicious of; to suspect
seems; I think; I guess; don't you agree?; I thought you'd say that!
family; members of a family
together; at the same time; same; identical
to take into one's possession; to receive; to take into one's care (e.g. person, pet); to take custody of; to leave; to go away
to desire; to wish; to beg; to request; to have something done for oneself
(someone else's) daughter
illness (usu. excluding minor ailments, e.g. common cold); disease; bad habit; bad behaviour; crazy; insane
cheap lodging or flophouse, especially in a skid row area or slum
stomach ache; abdominal pain
to raise; to bring to (someone's attention); to appeal to (reason, emotions, etc.); to work on (one's emotions); to complain; to sue (a person)
to have been decided (so) that; to have been arranged (so) that; to be the result (of); to be the outcome; to be the reason (for)
diligently; seriously; perfectly; properly; sufficiently; satisfactorily
to stand watch; to stand guard; to look out; to open (one's eyes) wide
is that so? (generally rhetorical)
continuously in some state (for a long time, distance); throughout; much (better, etc.); by far; far away; long ago
to receive; to take; to get somebody to do something; to have in one's pocket (a fight, match); to contract (a disease); to catch
tightly (holding on); firmly; strongly (built); solidly; properly; well
mama; mamma; mom; female proprietress (of a bar, etc.)
papa; dad; daddy; sugar daddy
although; despite; whereas; while; if only; I wish
endorsing and questioning the preceding statement; lamenting reflections on the preceding statement