wife; (arch.) my dear; (arch.) dear; garnish (esp. one served with sashimi); embellishment
sagacity; wisdom; intelligence
ball; sphere; bead (of sweat, dew, etc.); drop; ball (in sports); pile (of noodles, etc.); bullet
slowly; unhurriedly; easily (e.g. in time); well; well (e.g. sleep); comfortably
sake cup; cup for alcoholic beverages
to incline; to lean; to devote oneself to; to concentrate on; to ruin; to squander
greeting; a fine thing to say
one cup (of sake); (going out for, treating someone to) a drink; small drinking party
behind; rear; after; later; remainder; the rest; more (e.g. five more minutes)
to entrust (e.g. a task) to another; to leave to; to passively leave to someone else's facilities; to leave to take its natural course; to continue (something) in a natural fashion (without particular aim); to rely fully on one's (full strength, great ability, long time taken) to get something done
room; chamber; apartment; flat; stable
invitation; introduction; temptation
loss; damage; harm; disadvantage; handicap; drawback
to a surprising degree; to a remarkable extent; surprisingly; astonishingly; amazingly; alarmingly
lonely; lonesome; solitary; desolate
meeting; assembly; association; conjunction
feeling; sensation; preparedness; readiness; thought; sentiment
early Japanese Christianity (from the later Muromachi period); early Japanese Christian
believer; adherent; devotee; fanboy; fanatic; superfan
where ... is concerned; when it becomes; if it becomes
to go through; to suffer; to experience (something unpleasant)
to become known; to come to light; to be known; to be understood; to clearly not amount to much; to be insignificant
readiness; preparedness; resolution; resignation
go that far; to that extent
to pass; to pass on; to give (something) a miss; to cut it out; to knock off (for the day); to let the matter drop
be that as it may; even so; though that be so
middle; halfway; half (of); one half; half (e.g. done, jokingly); partly
to rescue from; to help out of; to save
(another's) spirit; God's heart or spirit; Lord's will
to reach; to touch; to be delivered; to arrive; to be attentive; to be scrupulous
indeed; really; absolutely; truly; actually; very
entering an institution; beginning training; primer; manual; introduction (to)
to study (in depth); to learn; to take lessons in
good; excellent; sufficient; enough; profitable (deal, business offer, etc.); beneficial
may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly
to go to and from (a place); to go back and forth between; to go to (school, work, etc.); to attend; to circulate (e.g. blood, electricity); to be communicated (e.g. thought)
to come; to go; to be (somewhere); to be (doing)
at present; currently; so far; for now; for the time being
at a disadvantage; in an unfavourable position; having poor prospects; standing little chance
in the first place; to begin with; after all; anyway; beginning; start
status; position; method; way; rule; regulation
Ministry of Justice (in Tang-dynasty China)
aid; help; assistance; assistant; counselor; counsellor
well then ...; in that situation; in which case
wrong; not good; hopeless; past hope; must not do
everyone; anyone; no one; nobody