in short; in a word; to sum up; to put it simply; to make a long story short; after all
regret; repentance; remorse
upward glance; upturned eyes
very; extremely; extreme; excessive; splendid; impressive
common occurrence; everyday occurrence; not an uncommon case; normal thing; everyday affair
advantageous; favourable; better; profitable; lucrative; gainful
strange; odd; peculiar; queer; curious
collection of short stories; collected short stories
if that's the case ...; if so ...; that being the case ...
storehouse; warehouse; godown
to track down; to locate; to find out; to smoke out; to ferret out; to chase up
to blink (one's eyes); to wink; to bat
endless; boundless; everlasting
to put into order; to arrange (one's thoughts)
accurate; correct; precise; exact
relatively; comparatively
to receive favor (favour); to be much obliged to someone; to be indebted
to subsist; to keep on living
each and all; every single one; everybody
prone to complaining; petulant; querulous; grumpy
fellow; guy; thing; object; he; she
idleness; lack of application; lazy study habits
still; yet; more; still more; as ...; like ...
to carry around; to carry on one's person
that way; that direction; that (one); that person; there; over there
railway crossing; railroad crossing; starting line; scratch; determination; stepping over the edge of the ring
signal; signalling; signaling; traffic light; traffic signal
the way there; outbound leg; bound for ...; outbound ticket
beyond that point; after that
to get to know each other; to make acquaintance
same trade; same business; same profession
exchange; interchange; switching; reciprocity; barter; substitution
to rendezvous; to meet at a prearranged place and time; to arrange to meet
he; she; that person; that; that one; that thing
starting field which contains the November and/or December 20-point card