to pay no attention to (while listening); to take no notice of; to ignore; to let go in one ear and out the other
master; teacher; stable master
conclusion; decision; judgement; affirmative
to gulp down (a drink); to slurp
pointing out; identification
old tale; folk tale; legend; reminiscence
theory; reason; logic; (unreasonable) argument; strained logic; excuse
eternity; perpetuity; permanence; immortality
to be buried; to be covered; to be hidden
common occurrence; everyday occurrence; not an uncommon case; normal thing; everyday affair
obstinate; stubborn; mulish; die-hard; bigoted
to keep one's mouth shut; to refuse to talk
damp; moist (negative nuance)
to confess; to speak out; to disclose; to tell
that; the matter in question
to stick into (of something with a sharp point); to prick; to pierce; to resonate emotionally; to move
to make narrower; to shut (an umbrella); to shrug (one's shoulders); to purse (one's lips)
to smoke; to breathe in; to suck; to sip; to absorb; to soak up
cut end; section; opening; point of view; (different) perspective; new approach
one-armed person; one-handed person
one side; one party; counterpart; one of a pair; fellow; mate
to elevate; to raise; to lift up; to flatter; to extol; to praise to the sky
jacket; book jacket; dust cover; CD jacket; record jacket
sleeve; wing (of a stage, desk, gate, etc.)
right arm; right-hand man; right hand; right-handed pitcher
to hang; to droop; to give (e.g. lesson, instruction, scolding) (to someone of lower status); to confer; to drip; to ooze; to leave behind (at death)
one arm; one's right-hand man; one's right hand
to kill (a human) using a blade (sword, machete, knife, etc.); to slice (off); to lop (off); to cut (off)
creation; production; creative work (novel, film, etc.); fabrication; fiction; invention
fiction; made-up story; fable; fabrication; myth
how many years; how long; what year
remembering; recollection; recall; to remember; to recall; to recollect
thought; imagination; mind; desire; wish; love
to hang (something) on (something); to throw on (clothes); to hook; to catch; to cheat; to evade payment; to drink (alcohol)
of bad character; ill-natured; nasty; vicious; wicked; malignant
family; relatives; dependents; household
after a long time; for the first time in a while