inconvenient; inexpedient; unfavourable; wrong; improper; objectionable
properly; accurately; exactly; neatly; tidily; orderly
showing one's face in public; facing another person
tender; kind; gentle; graceful; affectionate; amiable
to say time and time again; to say till you're blue in the face
to slurp; to sip (loudly); to sniffle; to sniff
to rock; to shake; to swing
accident; incident; trouble; circumstances; reasons
death; the next world; to pass away; to die
out of necessity; with no other option; perforce; unavoidably; reluctantly; unwillingly
return; comeback; reinstatement; carriage return; CR
acting as agent; acting on (someone's) behalf; executing business for
measure; step; dealing with; medical treatment
heir; successor; family estate; family fortune; headship of a family
objection; dissent; protest
opposition; rebellion; rebounding; recoiling; rally (e.g. in stock prices); recovery
innate ability; innate talent; natural gift
about; roughly; generally; on the whole; completely; quite
ordinary; sensible; commonplace
nonsense; no meaning; meaningless
small; fine; detailed; stingy
custom; practice; convention; precedent
easily; readily; with ease; without trouble
to hold down; to twist someone's arm; to force (someone) to yield (e.g. an argument); to make (someone) surrender
retainer; vassal; servant
gazing at (in wonderment)
to straighten oneself; to straighten one's clothes and one's posture; to adopt a more serious attitude
one's future; one's fate; one's way; one's path
to be oversized (overloud, etc.)
way to use something; treatment; management (of help)
prosperity; thriving; flourishing
to bring; to take; to bring about
ruin; fall; collapse; downfall; bankruptcy
to have a hard time of it; to have a bitter experience
motive power; driving force
peace; tranquility; tranquillity; Heian period (794-1185)
unbroken; uninterrupted; on and on; continuous