to sink (into); to cave in; to get stuck in
name; given name; first name
to breathe out; to breathe; to tell (a lie); to use (foul language); to vomit; to throw up
tradition; legend; folklore
to pass down (a story) from generation to generation; to hand down
face; honour; meld; lineup (of players participating in a mahjong game); attendees (e.g. at a meeting); members
point worthy of note; highlight; high point; good prospects for the future; promise
many; numerous; large amount of; large quantity of; frequent; common
this time; now; next time; another time; recently; lately
prohibition; inhibition; ban
he; she; that person; that; that one; that thing
gentlemen; men; the men's (sign on toilet, bathroom, etc. doors)
exclusion of males; (being) closed to men
to be ...-ing; to have been ...-ing
to hold (in one's hand); to take; to possess; to have; to maintain; to keep; to last
to take (someone) with one; to bring along; to go with; to be accompanied by
idea; plan; fancy; impulse; thought; whim
rate; ratio; profit; assignment; 10%; unit of ten percent; match
to put into effect; to put into practice
to forget completely; to leave behind
suitable; proper; appropriate; perfunctory; half-minded; sloppy
to drain; to pour; to wash away; to distribute (e.g. electricity over wires, music over a PA system, etc.); to circulate; to cruise (e.g. taxi); to float
once; for a short time; briefly; (arch.) one morning
to also be (implies that as well as the earlier stated this is also the case); to be ... or something
occasionally; once in a while; now and then; rarely; seldom
speck; dot; point; only a little; particle; only one
to stare at; to gaze at; to look hard at; to watch intently; to fix one's eyes on
(not) anything; (nothing) at all; (not) any
motionlessly (e.g. stand, wait); (be) still; fixedly (e.g. gaze, stare); intently (e.g. listen, think); patiently (endure); stoically
leaf; blade (of grass); (pine) needle
measuring; weighing; metric; distance function
fearfully; timidly; cautiously; nervously
seeming; giving the appearance of; giving one the feeling of