the expectation is that ...; the reason is that ...; the fact is that ...; the explanation is that ...; it is that ...
to think (about, of); to think over; to consider; to bear in mind; to think (that); to believe; to intend (to do)
to cross (legs or arms); to link (arms); to put together; to construct; to braid; to plait; to grapple
schedule; program; programme; agenda
to shift; to slide (e.g. something away from something else); to move (e.g. something out of the way); to put off; to delay; to postpone
to be able to manage somehow or another
perhaps; possibly; maybe; if; in case; in the event that
expressly; especially; taking the trouble (to do); intentionally; deliberately
intention; plan; belief; assumption; estimate; estimation
ladder; stairs; going to several places in succession (e.g. barhopping)
I don't know ...; how about ...?; I wonder; what about ..?
agreement; consent; same opinion; same view; same meaning
to want; to wish for; to request; to demand; to seek; to search for
noon; midday; daytime; lunch
very; greatly; immense; enormous; serious; grave
to reach; to amount to; to be up to the task; to come up to; to compare with; to be a match (for)
store; shop; establishment; restaurant
training; education; stocking up; laying in; preparation (e.g. ingredients); girl studying to become a geisha
morning; breakfast; (arch.) next morning
mostly; ordinarily; probably; most; almost all; ordinary
as one would expect; naturally; indeed; still; all the same; after all
family; members of a family
designation; specification; assignment; appointment; pointing at
not only ... (but also); not just; as well as
when it comes to ...; where ... is concerned; if it's the case that ...; if it turns out that ...; if it's true that ...
double; twice (as much); twofold
rest; recess; vacation; holiday; dormancy (of a silkworm prior to moulting)
one day; all day (long); throughout the day; first day of the month
worry; fear; anxiety; concern
sweetly (smiling); broadly (grinning)
(I) will; (I) shall; let's; (I) wonder (if); might it be (that); hey
whether one likes it or not; willy-nilly
I'm sorry; my apologies; excuse me; pardon me