first of all; at once; right away; for now; for the time being
to fish; to angle; to catch; to lure in; to tempt; to attract
visit (to a shrine, grave, etc.); worship
to go under; to pass under; to dive (into or under the water); to evade; to get around; to survive
to imitate; to follow; to emulate
sound of thin metal or plastic surface caving in and springing back; action of quickly bowing or lowering one's head; (with a) bob of the head
to hang; to suspend; to lower; to reduce; to demote; to move back
to be disordered; to be disarranged; to be discomposed; to be upset; to lapse into chaos (due to war, etc.)
to cover a surface; to spread all over; to blanket; to lay
road approaching a shrine
place for ritual cleansing of hands and mouth with water when visiting shrines
cold (to the touch); chilly; icy; (emotionally) cold; coldhearted; unfeeling
splendid; fine; praiseworthy; creditable; legal; legitimate
grounds (esp. of shrines and temples); compound; churchyard; precincts
in advance; beforehand; previously
a little; a bit; just a minute; for a moment; somewhat; rather
to collect; to assemble; to gather
fellow; guy; thing; object; he; she
to go with (a companion); to hang out with; to do together
in one's own way or style
many; numerous; large amount of; large quantity of; frequent; common
front shrine; hall of worship
to stop (in one's tracks); to come to a stop; to halt; to pause; to stand still
way (of doing); manner; method; means
sudden; abrupt; unexpected; unforeseen
every year; yearly; annually
first shrine visit of New Year
many times over; often; repeatedly; time after time
to be taught; to learn; to take lessons in
two bows, two claps, and a third bow (standard form of worshiping at a shrine)
natural; right; proper; naturally; as a matter of course; rightly
lonely; lonesome; solitary; desolate
seeming; giving the appearance of; giving one the feeling of
suddenly; at once; considerably; very much; firmly; with an effort
hot (thing); passionate (feelings, etc.); ardent; hot (e.g. temper); zealous; enthusiastic; intense
to bear; to stand; to restrain; to control; to forgive; to put up with
rope; cord; line; grand champion's braided belt
kapow; bang; bulging; filled to bursting; prostitute (catering to Occupation soldiers in Japan after WWII)
quiet; silent; slow; unhurried; calm; peaceful
to resound; to echo; to reverberate