when it comes to ...; if one were to speak of ...; by ... you mean ...; when you say ... you mean that ...; whenever ...; if it's ... then (without fail)
treating someone like a child
to become angry or sullen; to take offense; to be miffed; to come unstuck from; to peel off; to come off
perhaps; maybe; perchance; by some chance; by any chance
beyond; across; the other side; the distance
eyes sparkling; with shining eyes; for one's eyes to gleam
to come and stay; to drop in; to visit
crisp (e.g. potato chip, fried fish, etc.); crunchy; grumpily; touchily; scratching
kapow; bang; bulging; filled to bursting; prostitute (catering to Occupation soldiers in Japan after WWII)
to be at wits' end; to be greatly perplexed; to be troubled
poor; pitiable; pathetic; pitiful
speech; words; one's lines; remarks
listen!; you see; mind you; remember
inner thoughts; real intention; at heart; deep down; inner center (centre)
news; word; tidings; omen
gait; walk; stride; trace (e.g. of route taken by hunted criminal); track; trail
slander; bad-mouthing; abuse; insult; speaking ill (of)
to place in a row; to line up; to list; to enumerate; to talk a lot of nonsense; to tell a lot of lies
to soothe; to calm; to pacify
to sit; to squat; to assume (a position); to hold steady; to hold still
continuation; rest (of the story, work, etc.); flow (e.g. of a piece of writing); pacing (of a story); succession (of); sequence
by all means; by all costs
to remain; to stay (somewhere)
to reconsider; to rethink; to reassess
to get over a bad mood; to get back in a good mood; to brighten up; to recover one's temper; to feel oneself again
second day of the month; two days
present; gift; to give a present or gift
to visit; to call on; to pay a visit to
to get to know each other; to make acquaintance
exchange; interchange; switching; reciprocity; barter; substitution
standard item; usual thing; (a) classic; basic item (with stable demand); staple goods
year; age; years; past one's prime; old age
because of; owing to; due to
considerable; great; important; significant; a big deal
muffler; scarf; comforter; muffler (for a vehicle exhaust); silencer