scene; spectacle; sight; view
potentiality; likelihood; possibility; availability
coagulation; freezing; solidification
to keep within limits (e.g. spending); to restrain (e.g. emotions); to control; to hold back (e.g. an enemy); to check; to curb
ingredient; component; composition
another; one more; not quite; not very good; lacking
danger; peril; hazard; risk
under one's eyes; below one's eyes
to open one's mouth (to talk); to (start to) tell
to touch; to feel; to touch (with); to experience; to come in contact with; to touch on (a subject); to allude to
(not) merely; (not) simply
infection; contagion; becoming infected
to take great care (in doing); to pay attention; to be careful
uninterested; unconcerned; plain; light; flowing gently
one tenth; one hundredth; one percent; one tenth of a sun; one quarter ryō (an old coin)
halving; dividing (into two parts); bisection; the two equinoxes (vernal and autumnal)
to say in other words; to put another way; to express in different words; to reword; to rephrase
to bite into (e.g. rope into skin); to cut into; to eat into; to encroach; to be wedged (i.e. underwear pulled from the back, driving it between the buttocks)
same kind (race); homogeneousness
happiness; good fortune; luck; blessing
to fill (with); to be filled with; to express (an emotion); to project (sadness, joy, etc.); to wear (e.g. a smile)
one person; being alone; being by oneself; being single; being unmarried; by oneself
to shine; to glitter; to sparkle
to stick into (of something with a sharp point); to prick; to pierce; to resonate emotionally; to move
prickling; stinging; biting; tale-telling; tattling
with all one's strength; with all one's might
please!; I'm asking you; for heaven's sake
to crouch; to squat; to cower
to (make something) quiver; to shake; to tremble; to vibrate
to hold down; to twist someone's arm; to force (someone) to yield (e.g. an argument); to make (someone) surrender
sobbing; weeping; fit of crying
laughing while crying; smiling through one's tears; (alternately) laughing and crying; tears and laughter; joy and sorrow
clearly; plainly; distinctly; decisively; flatly; definitely
unexpected; contrary to expectations; by chance; casual
to run off (fluid); to run down; to flow down