skillful; skilful; delicious; appetizing; fortunate; splendid
to roll in; to tumble into; to visit (esp. to stay overnight as an unwanted guest); to fall in one's way; to fall into one's lap
passing through (a tunnel, station, town, etc.); passing by (e.g. of a typhoon); passage (of a bill, e.g. through parliament); carriage; passing (an examination, inspection, etc.); clearing
the front; honesty; uprightness; decency; normality
to jump over; to clear; to walk over (someone)
opposite side; bottom; rear; back; lining; inside; in the shadows
to spring at; to leap upon; to swoop down on; to throw oneself upon (e.g. an enemy)
stone paving; cobble paving; stone steps; check (pattern); pavé; rectangular dessert (usu. made from chocolate or several layers of sponge cake)
to jostle; to shove and push; to struggle with one another
reflective water surface; reflecting water
before; previously; ahead; Pardon me for leaving (before you)
slowly; tardily; complaining; grumbling; unsettled (e.g. weather); loose
appearing one after another; cropping up one after another; occurring in succession
boorish; inelegant; unpolished; unromantic; tactless
five (long cylindrical things)
to change into; to convert into; to transform; to be reduced; to influence; to improve (someone)
please; somehow or other; one way or another
frustrated (over a failure, humiliation or injustice); annoyed; chagrined; (bitterly) disappointed; bitter; vexed
absurd; unreasonable; excessive; very; extremely; excessively
considerably; greatly; a lot
gaining total control (of people or counties); suppression; oppression; control; mastery; ascendancy
training; drill; practice; discipline
several times (as large, over)
(real) ability; true strength; merit; arms; force
one Nth part (e.g. one fifth, one tenth); one out of N
to fit; to get into; to be fit for (a job, etc.); to be suited for; to fall into; to plunge into
free; unrestricted; (with) complete mastery; completely in control
to fill to capacity; to pack; to complete; to tessellate
to entwine; to twine around; to coordinate (with); to arrest
at present; currently; so far; for now; for the time being
as likely as not; 50-50; even match; tie
quality; value; nature; inherent quality; logical quality
victory or defeat; match; contest; game