to lose (money, etc.); to waste one's (time, etc.); to have one's efforts come to naught
may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly
ferrule (of a cane, umbrella, etc.); butt end (of a lance, pike, etc.); hard tip (of a mushroom stem)
to prick; to stab; to poke; to prod; to use (a cane); to prop oneself up with
to roll over; to tumble; to roll about (with laughter)
to mutter; to murmur; to grumble; to tweet (Twitter)
eager; earnest; strenuous; fervent; assiduous; with utmost effort
to crush to death; to stifle to death; to squeeze to death; to stifle (a laugh, etc.); to muffle (one's breathing); to subdue (one's voice)
simply; merely; only; solely
companion; fellow; group; company; member of the same category (family, class)
meaning; significance; sense
just (e.g. "just wait here"); come now; tolerably; passably; well...; I think...
may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly
equal; identical; the same; no different (to); just like; equivalent
to have (e.g. lunch); to take (e.g. vitamins)
not only ... (but also); not just; as well as
bonds (between people); (emotional) ties; relationship; tether; fetters
to tie; to bind; to bear (fruit); to close (e.g. deal); to confirm; to connect (two distant places); to close tightly
oh!; good heavens!; ugh!; oh no!; ah!; the penny drops!
at the very beginning; first of all; first and foremost; before anything else
to respond; to answer; to meet (e.g. demands, expectations); to affect; to take a toll; to strike home
to continue; to last; to continue (without a break); to be unbroken; to occur again and again; to lead to; to connect to
everyone; everybody; all; everything; all
to raise one's voice; to shout; to yell; to speak up (e.g. in protest); to speak one's mind
couscous; cuscus (variety of phalanger)
to exchange glances; to look at each other; to postpone; to put off; to contrast; to compare
laugh; laughter; smile; sneer; sex aids (e.g. dildos, pornographic books, erotic woodblock prints, etc.)
to well up (of tears, anger, joy, etc.); to surge up (within oneself); to rise; to feel nauseated; to feel sick
a-ha-ha (laughing loudly)
wow!; oh!; yeah!; alright!; waah!; boohoo!
normal; ordinary; normally; ordinarily; local train; train that stops at every station
honorific/polite/humble prefix; honorific suffix
forcibly; against one's will
armpit; under one's arm; beside; close to; aside; to the side; off-track
to tickle; to tickle (one's curiosity, vanity, etc.); to arouse; to make laugh; to amuse
scene; spectacle; sight; view
so far; up to now; hitherto; that's enough (for today); it ends here
chest; breast; breasts; bosom; heart; lungs; stomach
warm; mild; (pleasantly) hot; considerate; kind; genial
to memorize; to memorise; to learn; to pick up; to feel; to think