to burn; to burn with (emotion, feeling); to be fired up
to start; to begin; to start up (a business, society, etc.); to open (e.g. a store); to start ...; to begin to ...
chest; breast; breasts; bosom; heart; lungs; stomach
being startled; getting a shock
to shake; to jolt; to shake (e.g. the political world); to disturb; to put off a batter (by varying one's type of pitch)
to hold one's tongue; to shut up
terrible; dreadful; amazing (e.g. of strength); great (e.g. of skills); to a great extent; vast (in numbers)
to go wrong; to turn for the worse
existing (at the present moment); alright; acceptable; to be (usu. of inanimate objects); to have
to exert oneself and win; to gain (victory)
happy; glad; pleased; joyful; delightful; gratifying
inner canthus; inner corner of the eye
to pin down; to hold down; to cover (esp. a part of one's body with one's hand); to clutch (a body part in pain); to get a hold of; to obtain
to wave; to shake; to sprinkle; to throw (dice); to cast (actor); to allocate (work); to turn down (somebody)
to expose (to the sun, public, danger, etc.); to bleach; to refine; to rinse (vegetables); to soak; to doxx
one part; one portion; one section; one copy (e.g. of a document)
schoolgirl; female student
yes; indeed; ha!; what?; huh?; sigh
by means of; due to; because of; according to
such; like that; that sort of; very
theory; doctrine; opinion; view; rumour; rumor
circulation; dissemination
but (still); and yet; nevertheless; even so; notwithstanding
wrong; not good; hopeless; past hope; must not do
to continue; to last; to continue (without a break); to be unbroken; to occur again and again; to lead to; to connect to
force; vigor; influence; authority; impetus; momentum
to hang up (e.g. a coat, a picture on the wall); to let hang; to put on (e.g. a blanket); to put on top of; to put on (glasses, etc.); to wear (a necklace, etc.); to make (a call)
by the way; incidentally; even if; no matter (who, what, when, where, why, how)
huh?; eh?; what?; oh; hey!; look!
suddenly; casually; accidentally; incidentally; unexpectedly; unintentionally
calmness; composure; coolness; serenity; presence of mind
and so on; and so forth; et cetera; comment; criticism
to be tied together; to be connected to; to lead to; to be related to; to be related (by blood)
doubt; question; suspicion; dubiousness
voice; singing (of a bird); chirping (of an insect); voice; opinion (as expressed in words); sound; sense (of something's arrival)
to reach one's ears; to come to one's knowledge; to hear about; to learn of (by chance)
excitement; stimulation; agitation; arousal
hopping; skipping; lightly and repeatedly jumping
to jump up and down; to hop
to rock; to shake; to swing