model; type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.); type; style; mold (mould); template; kata (standard form of a movement, posture, etc. in martial arts, sport, etc.)
still; yet; more; still more; as ...; like ...
difference; disparity; gap
number of events (e.g. accidents, crimes, meetings, housing starts, hits on a web page)
flaw; defect; problem; inconvenient
to produce; to yield; to cause; to result from; to arise; to be generated
normalcy; normality; normal
please be careful; please take care
restriction; restraint; limitation; limit
document; writing; letter; document addressed to someone
disappearance; vanishing; loss; dying away; wearing off
settlement; solution; resolution
place; point; part; counter for places, parts, passages, etc.
writing (e.g. as a profession)
control; management (e.g. of a business)
seal; to seal (e.g. a letter); to affix a seal; to seal up
execution; carrying out; performance; lead monk performing various tasks in a temple
priority; order of precedence
change; modification; alteration; revision; amendment
to close (e.g. book, eyes, meeting, etc.); to shut
taking back what one just said; eating one's words; negating one's previous comment, opinion, etc.
first (of all); firstly; probably; most likely; more or less (satisfactory); on the whole
junior high school student; middle school pupil
consent; assent; agreement; understanding; comprehension; grasp
(verbal) abuse; denunciation; disparagement; vilification; scathing criticism
consideration; taking into account
lack of sleep; insufficient sleep
enough; sufficient; sufficiently; fully; division into ten
textbook; coursebook; schoolbook
with my own (two) eyes; with these very eyes
it does not mean that ...; I don't mean that ...; it is not the case that...
doubt; question; suspicion; dubiousness
one day; all day (long); throughout the day; first day of the month
strange; unfamiliar; mysterious; suspicious; (lit.) of an unknown nature
absurd; ridiculous; silly; ludicrous; nonsensical; asinine
(one's) sleeping hours; hours of sleep
insufficiency; deficiency; shortage; dissatisfaction; discontent; complaint
in one go; in one gulp; in one breath; immediately; instantly; right away
coming and going; recurring (esp. thoughts)
lethargy; despondency; mental numbness; (physical) collapse; prostration
memo book; memo pad; notebook; notepad; scratchpad; scratch pad