to put to bed; to lay down lengthwise; to put a thing on its side; to set something aside unused; to let lie idle; to ferment
door; gate; opening; title page
to paste; to stick; to affix; to station; to post
to use tact; to exercise discretion; to be tactful; to be thoughtful; to have the sense (to do); to take a hint
precipitation; deposition; settlement (e.g. of sediment)
accumulation; pile; heap; sedimentation
one color; one colour; one article; same tendency; everyone being caught up in the same thing
change; conversion; transformation; transformation
dead body; corpse; cadaver; carcass
action of making something; -ification
to keep someone from doing; to stop; to prevent; to check; to hinder; to obstruct
to run; to run (of a vehicle); to drive; to rush (to); to dash; to retreat; to flee
to hold (an event); to give (a dinner, party, etc.); to feel (sensation, emotion, call of nature, etc.); to show signs of
peculiarity; uniqueness; characteristic
earth; soil; the earth (historically, esp. as opposed to the heavens); the ground; low-quality torinoko-gami (containing mud); (period of) refraining from construction in the direction of the god of the earth (in Onmyōdō)
to kick; to refuse; to reject; to stamp (on the ground); to firmly press one's feet (against something)
to stick up (hair, etc.); to stand up straight; to stand up abruptly; to jump to one's feet; to stand in one place, doing nothing in particular; to stand around
to fire (gun, arrow, questions, etc.); to shoot; to set free; to release; to emit (e.g. light); to give off (e.g. a scent)
tearing limb from limb; tearing apart; cutting (a person) to pieces
to mistake (A for B); to misread
optical illusion; hallucination; misapprehension; delusion
self-consciousness; self-awareness
to stand (still) a while; to loiter; to stop
goblin; apparition; monster; ghost; phantom; spectre
to run; to dash; to gallop (on horseback); to canter; (arch.) to advance (against one's enemy); (arch.) to charge (on horseback)
to abate; to weaken; to be emaciated; to be dejected; to be perplexed
feeling of tension; air of tension; tension; nervousness
sense; sensation; feeling; intuition
to sharpen; to grind; to whet; to hone; to make keen
quagmire; sludge; mud; slush; mire
toes; tips of the toes; toe of a shoe, sock, etc.
careless; stupid; thoughtless; heedless; unobservant; inadvertent
finally; at last; barely; narrowly; gradually; little by little
to chase; to run after; to follow (a set order, a trend, etc.); to drive out; to get rid of; to drive (e.g. a herd)
to insert; to put in (such that there is a snug fit); to have sex; to fuck; to pigeonhole (into a particular category); to place a ring-shaped object around something (esp. one that restricts freedom, such as handcuffs)
wolf (Canis lupus); wolf in sheep's clothing; womanizer
cooperation; coordination; link
prey; catch; kill; spoils; trophy; loot
scheme; tactic; stratagem; trick
to get blurred; to get hoarse; to get husky; to graze; to scrape
head (of a household, etc.); leader; owner; proprietor; subject (of a rumour, etc.); doer (of a deed); guardian spirit (e.g. long-resident beast, usu. with mystical powers)