conspicuously; noticeably; remarkably; especially; particularly
to bend backwards; to bend oneself back; to be taken aback
to badger; to pester; to beg
to garnish; to accompany (as a card does a gift); to add to as support; to prop up; to accompany (as an aid, guide, translator, etc.); (arch.) to mimic
tuft of hair under temple; sideburns; sidelocks
to smoke; to breathe in; to suck; to sip; to absorb; to soak up
grabbing hold; eagle grip; tight hold
index finger; forefinger; second toe
to mash; to grind; to pulverize; to dissipate (a fortune); to run through; to lose
to tease; to make fun of; to ridicule; to mock; to play with (e.g. a toy); to fiddle with
for the first time in one's life
to be too much for one; to find unmanageable; to be beyond one's control; to not know what to do with
domination; rule; direction; management; control (e.g. over one's emotions); determining (e.g. one's fate)
remnant; fragment; fraction; odd sum; halfway; half-hearted
to tear; to rip up; to cut up; to cleave; to forcibly separate (e.g. two lovers); (arch.) to have a tattoo in the corner of one's eye
suit (clothing); suit (playing cards)
erotic; sexy; arousing; risque; sultry
to bite into (e.g. rope into skin); to cut into; to eat into; to encroach; to be wedged (i.e. underwear pulled from the back, driving it between the buttocks)
to pile up; to heap up; to stir up; to enliven; to bring to a climax
to cut off; to cut up; to tear to pieces
to put on clothes; to wear clothes; to be the personification of
image (in one's mind); impression; (computer) image; depiction (e.g. of a product); rendition
to be very far apart from; to be remote; to be quite different from
lovely; dear; beloved; pitiable; pathetic; piteous
to descend; to go down; to be handed down (of an order, judgment, etc.); to pass (of time); to surrender; to capitulate; to be less than
navel; belly button; protrusion or depression in the middle of an object; center; centre
to insert; to put in; to have a griping pain; to flow in; to shine in
creakingly; squeakingly; tightly (squeezing, pressing, etc.); (drinking) all in one sweep
to be dented; to be indented; to be beaten; to be overwhelmed; to be disheartened; to feel down
abdomen; stomach; lower parts; under parts
thicket; coppice; brushwood
thick with smoke, moisture or odor; hard to breathe (air)
to attach; to join; to furnish (a house with); to wear; to put on; to keep a diary; to make an entry
faint; dim; weak; poor; wretched; meagre
along; parallel to; in accordance with
dirty; filthy; disordered; messy; indecent (language, etc.); dirty
root; joint; base; crotch
painstaking; careful; meticulous; scrupulous; detailed; elaborate
to lick all over; to run one's tongue over
to divide; to cut; to halve; to break; to crack; to dilute; to fall below