(kicking and) struggling; wriggling; floundering; to get into a panic; to make a fuss; to make a scene
to grow restive; to begin to act violently
to shine; to look slightly upward (of a noh mask; indicating joy, etc.)
to be ...-ing; to have been ...-ing
to be shy; to be bashful; to feel awkward; to feel embarrassed
something like ...; things like ...; someone like ...; the likes of ...
persuasiveness; powers of persuasion; cogency
nonexistent; nil; none; nothing (at all); bugger-all
heh-heh; hee-hee; ha ha; (arch.) female genitals; (arch.) vagina; (arch.) vulva
from the beginning; without hesitation; flatly (e.g. refusing); entirely; completely
powerful; strong; forceful; reassuring; encouraging
to stumble a step or two forward (when trying to stop); to pass one's destination and stumble a step or two forward; to totter
to cough violently; to have a coughing fit
to choke; to be choked (by); to sob convulsively
to give (as a gift); to present; to confer; to bestow; to award
position (where one is standing); place where one stands; position; stance; standpoint
to hang one's head; to look down; to cast one's eyes downward
next (to); adjoining; adjacent; house next door; neighbouring house; next-door neighbour
duty; function; office; mission; task
splendid; fine; praiseworthy; creditable; legal; legitimate
to accomplish; to achieve; to carry out; to do ... completely; to do ... entirely
you're welcome; don't mention it; not at all; my pleasure
bright red; deep red; flushed (of face); downright (e.g. lie); complete; utter
to dye; to colour; to color
to wrap up; to pack; to cover; to envelop; to conceal (a feeling); to hide
1000 pounds; 1000 kan; 1000 yen; 1000 pieces of gold; great weight; pricelessness
price; cost; value; worth; value
shh!; sh!; shush!; shoo!; go away!
to gather (attract, receive) attention; to have a high profile; to gain prominence; to become popular
no matter for; without regard to; whatever the ...
difference; distinction; discrepancy; mistake; error
to be absent; to take a day off; to rest; to have a break; to go to bed; to (lie down to) sleep
offender; criminal; culprit
to examine; to look up; to investigate; to check up; to sense; to study
substitution; replacement; shifting; change
to be sensible; to be smart; to be tasteful; to be thoughtful; to be tactful; to be sensitive
to wake; to wake up; to become sober; to sober up; to come to one's senses; to be disillusioned
fear; dread; dismay; terror; horror; scare
to come back; to return; to recur
another time; again; over again; formally; especially; intentionally
to disappear (of people or animals); to go (away); to leave; to no longer exist
chasing too far; pursuing relentlessly
skillful; skilful; delicious; appetizing; fortunate; splendid
device; contrivance; trick; trap; (small) scale; half finished; commencement
kyogen; farce presented between noh plays or during the interlude of a noh play; kabuki play; kabuki performance; make-believe; ruse
carefree; optimistic; careless; reckless; heedless; happy-go-lucky
(looking) blankly; vacantly; dazedly; (staring) in puzzlement; with a look of amazement