1. below; down; under; younger (e.g. daughter)
2. bottom
3. beneath; underneath
4. just after; right after
as 下から, 下より, etc.
Adjective (の)
5. inferiority; one's inferior (i.e. one's junior)
6. trade-in
7. preliminary; preparatory
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (134 in total)
socks; sock; stockings; stocking
preliminary inspection; having a look in advance; preparatory read-through (e.g. of lesson notes); siding (on a house); clapboard
lower floor
Examples (89 in total)
Scroll down.
Put it down.
It is under the chair.
I want to hide under a rock.
I hid it under the mattress.
It was under your bed.
There's a monster under the bed.
Is there a cat under the table?
There is a dog under the table.
Why are you under the desk?
The water flows under the bridge.
He's younger than me.
You took shelter under a tree.
A cookie is under the table.
Under the table was a black cat.
The box was under the table.
Read the bottom of the page.
There is an apple under the desk.
Don't walk under ladders.
I hid under the bed.
Subways run under the ground.
A coin rolled under the desk.
The money was hidden beneath the floorboards.
He put down his racket.
Can you see the toolbar at the bottom of the screen?
He got out from under the car.
Why is he hiding under the bed?
I stood under a tree to avoid getting wet.
Nothing new under the sun.
Are there any books under the desk?
Your shoes are under the bed.
He looked down at the valley below.
He put his bag under the table.
We saw a lake far below.
The bicycle under the tree is mine.
Her hair came out from under her hat.
There are some boys under the tree.
"Where's the cat?" "It's under the sofa."
Lie on your right side.
He stood under the door frame.
A cat got out from under the car.
He hid his toys under the bed.
I took off my boots and put them under the bed.
We overlook the bay from our house.
My youngest brother is taller than I am.
The TV remote control is under the couch.
My basket is under the table.
The sun is sinking below the horizon.
Tom hid the knife under his pillow.
Maru crawled out from under the table.
I found the key underneath the mat.
The notes are at the bottom of the page.
I found a pair of gloves under the chair.
We keep a spare key hidden under our doormat.
Can you see something red down below?
He found the box under the table.
To see this point, look at the table below.
Daddy was in his office, under our flat.
He concealed the book under his coat.
Should I put this bag under the seat?
If you have time, could you translate some sentences below, please?
I found some wild mushrooms under the log.
How tall is your youngest brother?
The prisoner dug a hole under the prison wall.
They were under the magical influence of the night.
The sun sank below the horizon and it got dark.
Tom took a picture of Mary standing under the cherry tree.
He tucked the napkin under his chin.
The children found Christmas presents hidden under the bed.
This dishwasher is too big. It won't fit under the counter.
I think your letter is under that book.
The dog hid under the bed whenever lightning flashed.
As he crossed the bridge, he looked down at the stream.
I feel cooler standing in the shade, rather than out in the sun.
The Yamada family lives in the apartment below this one.
Many people gathered under this banner of freedom.
Please write your name at the bottom of this paper.
The rescue team succeeded in discovering a survivor who had been under the rubble for several days.
The treasure is still in the forest, where it is buried under a tree.
He's about fifteen years younger than I am.
My brother is three years younger than me.
There's a hut under the bridge.
Look at the seventh line from the bottom on page 34.
The person reading a book on the bench under the tree is Tom.
Tom sat under a tree and watched people walk by.
I see a girl standing under that tree.
I have a sister that is 3 years older than me and a brother that is 2 years younger than me.
I had a few hours free, so I sat under a tree and read a book.
The young woman under that tree looks sad.