1. below; down; under; younger (e.g. daughter)
2. bottom
3. beneath; underneath
4. just after; right after
as 下から, 下より, etc.
Adjective (の)
5. inferiority; one's inferior (i.e. one's junior)
6. trade-in
7. preliminary; preparatory
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (134 in total)
socks; sock; stockings; stocking
preliminary inspection; having a look in advance; preparatory read-through (e.g. of lesson notes); siding (on a house); clapboard
lower floor
right under; directly below
underwear; undergarment; underclothes; lingerie
under the floor
top and bottom; up and down; high and low; upside-down
downward glance; contemptuous look
underling; person of low standing; grunt; petty (work, official, etc.); minor; lowly
below a cliff
subordinate; subordinates; inferior; inferiors; junior
(arch.) bottom of the sleeve; height of the sleeve (of traditional Japanese clothing); secret; secret bribe
sukiyaki stock; stock mixed with soy sauce, mirin and sugar (used to flavor sukiyaki)
subordinate; underling; henchman; minion
preliminary arrangements; preparation; spadework; pre-cooking
to fall below (esp. figures: profits, unemployment rate, etc.); to be less than; to be lower than; to fall just short of; to be just under
armpit; axilla
preliminary boiling (of hard-to-cook ingredients); cooking in advance
below one's eyes; under one's eyes; length (of a fish) from eyes to tail fin
long johns; long underpants; long underwear
preliminary inspection; preliminary examination
to decline (stock market)
dew under (dripping from) trees
(stock market) steadiness
upper lip; philtrum; under one's nose; mouth
lower right
above and below
bribe; money under the table
subordinate (member of a group)
younger; junior
whereunder; thereunder
low-lying part of a city (usu. containing shops, factories, etc.); Shitamachi (low-lying area of eastern Tokyo near Tokyo Bay, incl. Asakusa, Shitaya, Kanda, Fukugawa, Honjo, Nihonbashi, Kyobashi and surrounds)
foot of a mountain; base of a mountain
first name; given name
abdomen; stomach; lower parts; under parts
preliminary arrangements; spade work
lower rank
desk pad; sheet of plastic (or cardboard, felt, etc.) placed under writing paper; being pinned under; being caught under; model; pattern
groundwork; foundation; inclination; aptitude; undercoat; first coat
under the eaves
preliminary investigation; preparation
to look down on; to condescend
lower jaw; mandible
thereunder; whereunder
petty underling; small fry
undergrowth; weeds beneath a tree
subcontract; subcontractor (person or company)
lower left
pointing down; pointing downward; (market) decline; downturn; downward trend
out of sight; in the background; unnoticed; (lit.) under the veranda
inseam; inside leg
under the staircase; understairs
younger child
small attached annex; lean-to
rough sketch; design; cartoon
seasoning of food
to point down; to look down; to get worse; to begin to fall (e.g. of a price)
loincloth; waist cloth
under the tracks; area under the girders of a railway or highway (often used for shops, bars, etc.)
third highest division; wrestlers of the third highest division
underling; subordinate official
lower breast; underboob
below the knee
confused; chaotic; jumbled; upside-down
downstairs room
lower branches of a tree
undershorts; underpants
lower eyelid
downstairs neighbour (neighbor); subordinate
pubic hair
one step lower
non-highway road; toll-free road; local road; road shadowed by trees, mountain, etc.
trade in; part exchange
the whole country; the public; the world; the ruling power; having one's own way
preparatory reading; preparation (for a lesson); reading through (e.g. a script); rehearsal (of a play)
underhand throw; underarm throw
giving a royal welcome; extending every courtesy
humble position; inferior; underarm grip on opponent's belt
parboiling; preparatory boiling
undercoat; first coating
preliminary consultation; arrangements
artwork; block copy; paste-up
subordinate part; menial service; subordinate; utility man
undercoat; first coat
sirloin (beef); saddle (mutton, lamb)
lower left (corner)
part of the fabric that is tucked closest to the skin when wearing a garment that is wrapped in front of one (such as a kimono)
lowest price
undersash; belt
downturn; downward swing; downside
attacking midfielder (soccer)
rough translation
lower right (corner)
headroom; maximum height; (vertical) clearance; (lit.) (distance) under beam (girder)
poor manufacture; poor quality; inferior goods
prewashing; preliminary washing
make-up base
more generously for the lower-paid
sprout of a plant shooting from under the soil
understory trees; underbrush; undergrowth
pilot hole; rough hole; prepared hole
preliminary inspection
nether millstone
basting; temporary sewing
usu. the drop between collar and bottom hem on kimono, yukata, etc.
cheap, low-quality article
spade work; subcontract
rough sketch
fall; drop; decline
the warm feelings of people of the traditional commercial and working-class neighborhoods
confused mess; utter confusion
preliminary conference
preparatory activity
underglaze color; underglaze colour
pulling underarm throw
a fox is not taken twice in the same snare; there are no birds in last year's nest; (lit.) there aren't always loaches under the willow tree
water flowing underneath; (fig.) one's true feelings; kanji "water" radical at bottom (radical 85)
a fox is not taken twice in the same snare; there are no birds in last year's nest; (lit.) there aren't always loach under the willow tree; good luck does not always repeat itself
lower millstone; nether millstone
Bergenia stracheyi (species of bergenia)
underboob; bottom of a woman's breasts (visible when wearing a short top)
lower triangular matrix
Saxifraga japonica (species of saxifrage)
built-up roofing
Morishita Station (Tokyo)
Examples (89 in total)
Scroll down.
Put it down.
It is under the chair.